Part 8

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"Hello, is this where Bunty Adams lives?" Finn asked the man at the door politely.

"Yes, I'm her father," he said, standing taller, facing the boy with a frown. "Who are you?"

"My name is Finn Shelby." Finn then gulped, "is Bunty around? I need to talk to her" Finn told him.

"What do you need to talk to her about?" He asked. Finn couldn't tell him because it was work-related.

"Father, stop harassing Finn" Bunty's voice sounded out from behind her father. He turned around.

"Bunty, I really need to talk to you" the look of urgency on his face made Bunty realise it really was important.

"Dad, I'll come home later. See you" Bunty squeezed passed her father and followed Finn down the road and around the corner when Bunty made him standstill. "What's wrong?"

"Do you remember that boy, something the kid?" Finn asked her lowly.

"Oh yeah, from the pub?"

"Yeah." He then frowned, "He got killed in the prison by the Sabini's. Tommy's ordered for a meeting"

"Fuck." Bunty swore, "I need to change, I'll meet you there" Finn nodded and rushed to the betting shop while Bunty went to the Shelby home to change quickly before entering the betting shop. She entered and saw she wasn't the last person to arrive since Polly and Thomas wasn't there yet.

It took a few minutes but soon Polly and Thomas showed up, Polly complaining about Thomas ruining her holiday or something like that. She then went on about Michael but she wasn't paying attention. She then realised she hadn't been paying attention so she listened in.

"Tommy, get on with this" Polly told him.

"Last night, one of our men had his throat cut in Winson Green. This morning, I had a telegram saying it was Sabini's ordered it." Thomas told everyone.

"And it says here that Thomas Shelby is next," Arthur said as he ripped up the telegram.

"If our men think we can't look after them in prison, they will not work for us and Sabini knows that. So we need to get the Green sorted out. Scudboat, you and one of the boys. Break a couple of windows and get arrested. And if our coppers get you into the green, you find the bastards who did it"

"Instead of breaking windows, can't we pinch a car?" Scudboat questioned which resulted in many of the surrounding men to laugh. Bunty spotted Finn laugh too, "everybody else is getting a car. I'm still on a donkey"

"All right," Thomas said, "just get yourselves fucking arrested. It doesn't matter how. And before you all laugh, a boy is dead. He was just a kid. We'll start a fund for his family, Pol."

"Agreed," Polly said. "So is that it? Can I go now?"

"Well, as company treasurer, I need your permission to spend a thousand Guineas" out the corner of her eye she spotted Finn drinking from a bottle, she assumed it was whiskey or something similar, as he finished she gestured for him to pass it to her, she then took a few gulps before placing it on the table and mouthed the words "thank you".

"Spend the money on what?" Polly questioned.

"A horse," Thomas told her.

"A thousand Guineas on a horse?"

"That's right," Thomas said as he nodded his head.

"When was this decided?" She questioned.

"You've been busy with Michael" Thomas responded.

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