Part 39

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A/N Thank you so much for 200k reads!! I honestly cannot believe so many people have read my book 😬 I hope you all continue to read this book and my other books! 💕💕


Bunty found Ada doing some window shopping, "Ada!" Bunty said, catching the woman's attention.

"Bunty?" Ada smiled as the woman came closer, "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you and Karl," she told her, returning the hug Ada initiated.

"Karl's at a friends house today," she informed her, "but you can see him later."

The two women chatted and did a little bit of shopping before heading back to Ada's house. Bunty saw that Finn's vehicle was parked outside, in a different spot and parked as if it was parked in a rush.

Ada went in and placed the bags at the base of the stairs; Bunty entered the house and closed the door. Ada went further in. Bunty placed down her bags down as well before she heard a loud "what the fuck is going on?" From Ada.

"Hello, Ada," Finn's voice said, sounding quite breathless.

Bunty went closer to the door but didn't go inside.  "Get out. Both of you," Ada said commandingly.

Isaiah walked past Ada and then Bunty, not able to look either of them in the eye. Then another familiar voice began talking to Ada. "Push this on the wound. Keep up the pressure." Aberama Gold told Ada.

"Get out," Ada told him firmly.

Aberama walked past Ada, then spotted Bunty and tipped his hat slightly before following Isaiah out of the house.

"I'm so sorry, Ada," Finn told his sister, "they- they broke a statue of some thin woman-"

"Fucking statues," Ada snapped, something heavy and glass rattled against a table. "What has Tommy told you? Shelby's stay out of the sporting stuff."

"What? To maintain your-" he spoke normally then hissed in pain, "fucking reputation?" Finn questioned back.

"Oi!" The sound of a slap went through the air; Ada had slapped her brother. "You listen to me. We've got a chance. Tommy has given us that chance. He's got power, we've got money, and our past is left behind us. And you've got a precious young life and a wife and family, Finn, you fucking idiot. Three inches to the left, and that would've been gone." Ada paused for a moment and put on a softer, more caring voice, "you've got nothing to prove, Finn. You have got nothing to prove."

"Where's Bunty?" Finn asked, "did she find you?"


"I'm here," Bunty said softly, looking at Finn's blood-soaked shirt sleeve. "You are a fucking idiot, aren't you?" She said, copying Ada's words. 

"I'll leave you two," Ada told them, "and try not to get blood on the furniture."

Bunty took over, pressing the white cloth against Finn's wound. "So, what was this, a knife?" 

"Bullet," Finn mumbled, gesturing with his head towards the empty ashtray which now held a bullet inside.

"Your first one," Bunty said, picking it up with her spare hand.

"Aren't you mad?" Finn questioned, very confused at why Bunty was so calm about the situation.

"I've wanted to do the same for a while, Finn, sneak off and do some of the dirty work for a change," She looked up from the bullet, "I knew you'd go off at some point to help Isaiah, I know you have done for a while now." She lifted the rag to see if the wound had stopped bleeding. "But I will say, if you get shot again, I will be mad."

"I'll try not to," he told her.

"I'll get something to sew you up," she said, kissing his lips before finding Ada to ask for a needle and thread. Bunty came back with the items, plus a washcloth and bowl. "Take your shirt off," Bunty told him, placing the items on the table.

"I like where this is going," Finn joked.

Bunty scoffed out a little laugh, "stop," she told him, "I'm trying to be serious here."

Finn took his vest off and then his blood-soaked shirt. Bunty took the cloth and put it in the water and wrung it out, then cleaned the wound, making sure to press harder than she usually would to get back at him for getting shot in the first place. "Fucking hell, Bunty," he hissed for the umpteenth time as she began sewing him up.

"Oh, love, this is your own fault," she passed him the gin bottle, and he kept drinking it. She finished sewing him up. "Done," she announced. "Now, we're going home."

"Don't you want to stay?" Finn asked.

"And cause Ada more hassle? No, thank you," she told him. "I'll drive."

"Okay," Finn said, "I'll get changed then before we leave... Perhaps you'd like to jo-"

"No," she shook her head, "not after the stunt you pulled today," she poked her tongue out at him. "Hurry up then."

Finn groaned and got up, and went to the spare room to change into clean clothes. While Finn was changing, Bunty phoned back home to tell the nanny they were coming home and then put the shopping bags into the car. She waited a moment, and Finn joined her. "Are you sure you want to drive?" Finn asked.

"I'm sure," she told him and drove off.


They got home and were greeted happily by the kids. Bunty picked up Elliot, and Finn did the same with Florence, with a bit of difficulty because of the pain in his arm, "why are you back early?" Elliot asked, tilting his head.

"Because daddy is an idiot who got the dates wrong, so we came home," Bunty told her son.

"Can we go to the park?" Elliot asked, eyes sparkling.

Bunty looked up at Finn, "Finn?"

"Yeah, sure, let's go to the park," he told them, tickling Flo's side to make her giggle.

So the small family of four, eight of you included the dogs, walked towards the grassy park. Finn followed Flo where she found a muddy puddle and wanted to make mud pies while Bunty played fetch with the dogs and Elliot, Florence soon wanted to try throwing the stick for the dogs, but the dogs kept catching it straight away before it hit the ground, making her rather upset.

Finn immediately scooped up the crying child, "Hey, hey, hey," he cooed, "Flo, how about we get some ice cream, hey?" He suggested. Bunty rolled her eyes, bribery, of course.

"Yeah!" Flo clapped, stopping her wailing straight away.

"I'll go buy some," Bunty said, "Flo is filthy, so I don't want to bring her into someone's shop like that."

"Don't worry, I'll take her home and bathe her," Finn said.

"Take Elliot and the dogs with you," She added.

He whistled to get the dogs attention, and they trotted over to him, "Elliot, come on," Finn told the boy.

"I don't wanna," he said, hugging Bunty's leg tightly.

"El, sweetie, I won't be too long," Bunty told him, touching his soft brown hair gently.

"Come on," Finn said firmly, looking at Elliot.

"No!" Elliot shouted once more.

Finn let out a frustrated noise and went over and grabbed Elliot's arm. Elliot let out a frightened scream and kicked Finn in the leg. Finn let go of the boy, "you little shit-" he raised a hand, but Bunty grabbed it.

"Don't you dare hit our child," Bunty told him firmly, dropping his hand, "and don't swear in front of the children."

Finn didn't even realise he had raised his hand, "Bunty- I'm so-"

"I'll take Elliot; we'll meet you back home," she told him, taking Elliot's hand gently and walking with him towards the nearest shop that sold ice cream.

A/N again, I'm going to update this book every Sunday!

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