Part 40

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Bunty and Elliot came back with a big tub of strawberry ice cream and found Finn sat with Florence at the kitchen table playing with some of her toys; Florence was washed and in fresh clothing.

Bunty went to grab some bowls from the cupboard, "Finn, do you want some?" Bunty asked, evident in her voice that she was still angry with him but was trying to put on a happier façade.

"No, thank you," he replied.

Bunty scooped some ice cream in two bowls for the kids, "here you go," she smiled at both Flo and Elliot. "Sit on the floor while you're eating. We need to talk," she told the kids before looking at Finn. She didn't want them accidentally falling off of a chair while she and Finn went into the living room, closing the door behind them so the kids couldn't see them potentially fight.

"Bunty-" Finn began to speak but was cut off by Bunty.

"No, you listen to me," Bunty said firmly, "I don't know what problem you have with Elliot, but going to hit him is the last straw. Ever since he was born, you wanted nothing to do with him, even he notices and doesn't want to be around you. I'm not sure what made you hate him, but he is just a child who needs his father-"

"I just don't feel a connection with him," Finn told Bunty truthfully, gesturing the door the children were behind, "it's like he's not mine. He doesn't even look like me!"

"Of course he's yours, Polly said so," Bunty pointed out.

"Well, maybe Polly lied," Finn said, throwing his hands up. "Maybe he is Michael's; he has similar hair to him-"

"Why would Polly lie to me?" Bunty told him.

"How should I know?" He said, then offered a guess. "To save you from being embarrassed by having a bastard child?"

Bunty was trying her hardest to remain calm, but her patience and anger were close to snapping point. "Maybe I will ask her again," Bunty said. "What would happen if he is Michael's? Will you still act like a dick to him?"

"I don't-"

"Wait, I don't want to know," Bunty said, shaking her head, "but know this, Finn, Elliot still sees you as his father, no matter how crappy you've been to him. If, and I mean if Michael is his birth father, it doesn't matter, he sees him as Uncle Michael, and that's how he's always going to see him. I want you to be the amazing father you are to Flo for both of the kids." Tears pricked to the sides of her eyes; she hastily wiped them away.

"I'm so sorry," Finn whispered as he pulled Bunty into a hug, "I'll try."

"You will?" Bunty was pleasantly surprised that Finn agreed to be a better father.

"My father wasn't the best; I didn't see it until I was older. I don't want to be that person. It's not fair on him or you," Finn said, "I can't promise I'll be great, especially if he isn't mine, but I'll try."

"And that's all that matters," Bunty said a wobbly smile on her lips. "We should probably check on them," Bunty pointed to the closed kitchen door.

"Yeah," Finn agreed and let Bunty go. He followed her into the kitchen and almost laughed at the sight. Both kids had conked out and were sleeping on the floor. Elliot had his head in his bowl, the strawberry ice cream melted in his hair. Florence was next to her bowl, spoon still in hand, but Copper had snuck in and was licking the bowl clean, the three other dogs were elsewhere, but Bunty spotted some pink footprints leading into the hallway.

"Remind me to never leave them alone with ice cream," Bunty told Finn with a chuckle, picking up the bowls and spoons.

"Agreed," Finn also laughed before heading to Elliot and gently picked him up.

"Papa?" Elliot sleepily opened his eyes.

"Yeah, it's me, little buddy," Finn said quietly, "let's get you cleaned up and ready for nap time, okay?"

Either Elliot was too tired or not bothered, but for the first time, he allowed Finn to bathe him. Bunty felt her heart lift that Finn really was going to try and fix his relationship with Elliot.

Bunty took Florence to bed before finding the culprit, the one who left pink paw marks on the floor. It turned out to be Pudding as both Jilly and Nickel were asleep on Bunty's and Finn's bed, clean and not pink. Then downstairs, she found Pudding licking her feet, faint pink marks leading up to her. "I hope you didn't eat too much ice cream," she told the dog, "if you get sick, it's your own fault."

"Hey, Bunty?" Finn questioned.

"Yeah?" Bunty went to the bottom of the stairs and looked up to Finn.

"You know what I told you before we went to Ada's?"

Bunty flushed, "I do remember."

"Can we...?" Finn asked, a boyish grin on his face.

"I'm not sure," Bunty pondered, walking up the stairs, "you did get shot after all."


"I'm kidding," she said, reaching him at the top of the stairs, "but you're going to have to be careful that you don't pull your stitches out."

"I will," Finn said, picking her up.

"That's not being careful," Bunty giggled but allowed herself to be carried to their bedroom.

A/N completely forgot it was Sunday today so I posted a bit late. I was busy at my first horse show! I came fifth in my class 💪🏻

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