Part 14

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It took around a year for Bunty to forgive Thomas for what happened to her, it took the same amount of time before Bunty could let anyone touch her like that.

She and Michael had tried a few times before then and her mind caught flashes of the incident and she backed away from him, shaking and tears falling, Michael cooed to her, calming her down. Instead of them both having sex, Bunty would just please Michael in other ways, instead of them both being pleasured. She was glad after they made up, the flashes didn't show up again so she can partake in certain activities.

During the year, before she forgave Thomas, she had stayed away from the Shelby's, bar Finn and Michael, she couldn't bear to see them and let alone work with them. The only reason she forgave Thomas was the fact that Finn made them sit down in a room together and made Bunty hear him out.

She was glad she forgave him as she carried on working for them, as a blinder, not a prostitute. She was bored at home, attending teas and parties her mother put on so that she could meet new people. She hated it.



Bunty sat with Finn in a pretty dress at the church where Thomas was marrying Grace. She was kind of disappointed that he and May didn't work out. Thomas and May made a cute couple, but then again so did Thomas and Grace, plus they had a child together.

Bunty looked over Finn's smiling face, he had his ginger hair cut short on the sides and it stayed longish and curly on top. She always was tempted to play with it. Across the room from the mayhem of the Shelby side, sat a bunch of Toffs from Grace's side of the family. Bunty could hear John grumbling about them wearing their red coats.

Jeremiah walked into the church and she saw the look of outrage and disgust make their way onto the Toff's faces. And like what Isaiah does, he ignored them, smiling politely at everyone.

Soon Grace walked in with a man on her arm, leading her to Tom and giving her away. The ceremony seemed to fly by as they said their vows and made their promises to each other. Once they sealed their marriage with a kiss, the Shelby side erupted into waves of cheers, whistles and clapping. Grace's side just politely clapped.

They stood outside for a photo, "Bunty, stop standing there like an idiot, get in the photograph" Thomas told her.

"Really?" Bunty questioned and he nodded. Finn held out his hand and brought her up to the step he was on and she stood behind Jeremiah, smiling at the camera.

As they made their way back to Thomas's mansion-like home, Bunty watched Finn pick up one of his nephews and piggy-backed him to the house, racing Isaiah who had another one of John's kids on his back. Bunty giggled as she walked with Katie, another one of John's kids.

They made their way into the house behind Thomas and Grace, ballroom music started playing, drinks were being served, the whole party vibe was emitting from the place.

"Finn, dance with me?" Bunty said, grabbing his hand, trying to pull him towards the dance floor.

"You know I don't dance," he told her with a slight whininess to his voice.

"Please, Finn" her plump lips formed a pout.

"All right, fine" he gave in, allowing her to drag him to the dance floor.

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