Part 1

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A/N I'm going to make Finn one year older than he is in the show, so he'd be 15 in season 2 (1922) and this means he'd be born in 1907), etc.


Bunty Adams was a feisty girl who had a lot of kick in her. She didn't want to be like her older sisters, "prissy princess wannabes" as she'd affectionately call them. She wanted to be like her brothers who went off to war and came back strong and buff, only she didn't see the trauma behind their eyes and she didn't see them suffering as she was young and believed in their happy façade.

As she grew up, she'd fight the girls and boys in their neighbourhood, she'd mostly play-fight her siblings, but since she was the youngest, they'd often half-ass it and not even try, she didn't feel challenged enough, so she'd pick fights with the other children. This caused her to have no friends as everyone was so scared of her, the only people she had were her family.

Her father also took her on trips with him and her brothers to the countryside to go shooting or they'd go to a family friend's house and ride their horses in the countryside instead, Bunty never went on the horses, she didn't like them. At age eleven Bunty could shoot and kill a rabbit and then skin it and cook it. Her father was proud of her. Now she could shoot a stag and skin it and cook it, but that rarely happened now.

On her fourteenth birthday, she, instead of a party, chose to go on a shoot. On that day she received a gift of a puppy, a beautiful dark brown patched English springer spaniel with a white blaze, which she'd train into a gun dog to retrieve what she shoots, she named her Nickel.

When she turned fifteen, her whole family moved house to a grubby town called Small Heath, in Birmingham. She was sat down and told to stop fighting and to actually form a friendship with anyone, just as long as she finds a friend. She agreed with a sigh but she'd never stop fighting, she was good at it, she enjoyed it, but she'd try and make a friend.

Bunty, on her first day at Small Heath, walked around trying to find a place to fight, she thought a town like this would have a fighting den or something somewhere. She spotted a lad her age, dark-skinned, handsome, wearing a suit, she decided to talk to him.

"Hey!" She shouted over to him. He ignored her, thinking that she'd just shout something racist at him. Bunty walked over to him, watching as he lit a cigarette and took a drag of it, looking away from her. "Excuse me?" She then asked, standing in front of him.

"Can I help you?" He said in a bored tone, finally looking towards her and soon he felt bad for ignoring her, she was extremely pretty.

"I was wondering if you know a place to fight? Like a boxing area or something?" She asked with a smile which made him melt on the spot.

"If I answer the question will you tell me your name?" the boy replied.

"Bunty, what's yours?"

"Bunty? I've never heard that name before" he said, she just shrugged, "my name is Isaiah"

"I've never heard that name before" she mimicked and then giggled.

Isaiah rolled his eyes, "Well to answer your question, Bunty, there is one, I can take you there if you'd like? I was going there anyway"

"That'd be great, thank you, Isaiah"

The two teens walked down the road and towards what appeared to be a warehouse, Isaiah opened the door and let her go in first, "woah this place is huge" she gasped, looking around at all of the small boxing areas, designed to teach them how to fight in close quarters and then the bigger boxing ring for actual fights.

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