Part 12

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"Michael? You're out of prison?" Bunty gasped as she opened her door, gently hugging the man since he looked like he was beaten up.

"Yeah, got out this morning" he smiled but it seemed painful.

"Are you okay?" She questioned softly, gently trailing her hand over the bruise on his cheek.

"Are your parents home?" He questioned, ignoring her questioned.

"No, they're out for the day. Why?" She questioned, she started to think maybe he was in trouble or something.

"Remember when I said about no strings attached, have you thought about it?"

"Yeah, I have," she said, looking up at him.

"Can I come in?" He questioned.

"If you tell me what happened afterwards?" She told him.

"Alright," he said and she let him in.


After their amorous activities, Bunty laid against Michael's body, listening to him talk about what happened at the prison and how he got out, Bunty wished she could un-hear how he got out, Polly and Campbell, she shuddered at the thought.

"Well, at least you're out, right?" Bunty said, looking up at him.

He smiled gently at her, "I guess so." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We better get to work"

"You just got out, you shouldn't be working," Bunty told him, "you need to rest"

That was the wrong thing to say as his expression darkened, "I don't need to rest" he got up and Bunty flopped back in her bed. She watched him change into his clothes and then lit a cigarette.

"I'm sorry, Michael" she apologised before he left. She quickly got into some clothes before heading to the Shelby residence to change into her uniform. She went and patrolled around by herself before Isaiah found her and joined her.

"I saw Michael leave your house this morning. When did he get out?" Isaiah questioned her curiously.

"This morning," She told him, "he went straight to mine once he got out. He looks terrible, he must've been beaten up in the prison"

"Prison's tough" Isaiah commented, Bunty just hummed. "Do you know why he went straight to yours?"

"No idea, maybe it's closest?" Bunty lied.

Isaiah's face grew into a grin, "you two fucked again, didn't you?" Bunty's cheeks grew red and she looked away from him, "you two did!"

"I told you, I won't talk to you about my sex life" Bunty groaned, kicking a stone that was on the road.

"But, out of everyone, why Michael?" He said, "I mean, you and Finn are close, I'd have thought you two would have fucked by now-"

"Michael needed me and in a way, I needed him," Bunty told him. "As for me and Finn, he's my best friend, well, I know you're his best friend but he's mine, I can't imagine fucking him"

This time Isaiah hummed in response and dropped the subject, instead, going back onto the subject ofMichael being in prison and Arthur, too.


There was a knock on Bunty's door late at night and her mother opened the door, "hello, is Bunty here?" Thomas Shelby questioned.

"Yes, she's upstairs. What do you need her for?" She questioned back.

"Well, tomorrow is Epsom, Derby day, and I was seeing if she'd like to come along with my brothers and me," Thomas said, turning on the Shelby charm.

"Of course she'll go" Her mother replied for her daughter when a handsome man asks to take her daughter to a prestigious event such as Epsom, why would she refuse?

"Can I speak with her for a moment, please?" Thomas then questioned.

"Of course," she then raised her voice, shouting for her daughter, "Bunty, a Mr..?"

"Thomas Shelby"

"Thomas Shelby is here to see you" she then turned to Thomas, "are you related to that Finn Shelby Bunty is friends with?"

"He's my younger brother" Thomas replied, "ah, Bunty, may I have a word with you in private, please?" He said, noting her sudden appearance behind her mother.

"Of course" Bunty replied, wondering what was going on, but by her mother's prominent smile, it couldn't be good for her. "Mother?"

"Oh, sorry" Her mother entered the house, closing the door behind her and left the two outside, "may I ask what's going on?"

"Tomorrow, John and Finn will pick you up from the den in the morning. At the den, you will wear a dress which is on my desk. You've got a job to do" Thomas said.

"Firstly, where are we going? Secondly, what job?" Bunty asked in confusion.

"Epsom and the job will be decided on the day, depending on how easy it is to get the man"

"What man?" The more questions she asked the more questions it left her.

"I can't tell you that now, but please can you do that?"

"So you expect me to go to a horserace? When I hate horses. And then you expect me to be a pawn in your game? And to top it off, I have to wear a dress?"

"Yeah," he said simply.

"All right" Bunty gave in, "but you're paying me double for my troubles and for me wearing a dress"

"Fine" Thomas said, "I'll see you tomorrow" he tipped his hat forwards in goodbye and left into the shadows of the night.

"Mum, did you already agree with him that he'd take me to a fucking horserace?" Bunty questioned her mother who was sat waiting for her to come back inside.

"Maybe" she shrugged, "now tell me details"

"Goodnight, mother" Bunty dismissed running up to her room where she accidentally woke up Nickel as she slammed the door shut.

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