Part 28

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The next day Bunty and Finn walked out of the house and started patrolling. Not even a few minutes later, a few gunshots were heard, they turned and saw it came from Arthur's house. Bunty and Finn quickly walked over.

"Finn?" Thomas asked, coming out of the house.

"It came from Arthur's house," he told his brother, pointing to the house. Tommy ran over to the door and knocked on it loudly, shouting Arthur's name. Bunty and Finn stood back.

Linda opened the door, "where is he?" Tommy asked her before he pushed past her, not waiting for a verbal answer.

Bunty and Finn stayed outside until Thomas came out, "Finn, Arthur said that he's not coming into work today, so you'll be in charge of the betting shop, okay? Bunty you carry on patrolling, find Isaiah or someone to patrol with, okay?"

"Okay," both of them said before he went back into the house.

"Have fun at the shop," Bunty told him, "and don't let the other women give you grief, stick up for yourself" she pressed a kiss to his lips.

"And don't get yourself killed while patrolling," Finn told her. "Maybe when you're done you can come by the shop?"

"I'll try, I wouldn't mind seeing the new boss" she winked at him before giggling, "you better get going, I don't want you to be late" they shared a kiss once more before they parted ways.

It was around midday when Bunty decided to go see Finn at the betting shop, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey they got for Christmas and walked over there. When she reached the shop, the women, such as Polly and Linda swore. Linda came over to the girl. "Finn's busy at the moment, talking to a client," she told her, Bunty saw through her lie, her eyes were slightly scared.

"Where's Finn?" She questioned, placing the bottle on the table.

"In a meeting," Polly told her.

Bunty pushed Linda away from her and she made her way towards the offices, Polly tried to stop her but Bunty pushed her away too. Bunty reached Thomas's old office when she heard moans, "Finn, harder..." a woman's voice moaned loudly.

Bunty shook her head, "no, no, no" she repeated. "Whose idea was that?" Bunty questioned angrily, "whose fucking idea was it?" Bunty shouted, furiously wiping the tears away.

None of the women answered, "fuck you all" Bunty said, grabbing her whiskey bottle and storming out of the building and slamming the door, making the frame rattle as it shut.

Bunty opened the bottle of whiskey, taking a few mouthfuls of it before she started walking towards the hospital, by the time she was there, a lady came up to her, "we can't permit alcohol on the premise"

"Can you keep it at the desk, so I can collect it later?" Bunty tried her hardest to talk properly instead of slurring her words.

"Sure" the lady agreed, "who're you visiting?"

"Michael Gray," she told her.

"He doesn't normally have visitors," the lady said unsurely.

"Just tell him, Bunty Adams is here and see if he'll let me in, please"

"Wait here, then," the lady said before walking to Michael's room. Five minutes later she came back and escorted her to the room.

"Thank you," Bunty told the lady, who then left the room. Bunty locked the door to the room before going over to Michael's bed.

"You used the name Adams again, what's wrong?"

"Fucking Finn is fucking some fucking whore" Bunty ranted, emphasising the word "fucking".

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