❝so, we're just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me?❞

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featuring: "so, we're just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?"

you laid across your bed, arms and legs sprawled as you took a lazy sip out of your can of white wine and sprite. music quietly pumped through the small speaker on the table next to you. naturally, almost-drunk you felt tempted to call up your best friend and talk.

it was times like these where you absolutely hated king's rules: no boys/girls allowed in opposite dorms after hours.

you sighed in frustration as you held your cellphone to your ear, awaiting the voice on the other line.

"hey y/n, what do you want? it's 2:30 a.m," marcus groggily answered.

"well... i'm calling because i thought it was such a good idea to get drunk on the monk's wine and i wanted to tell you that i love you and i miss you," you smiled. you could tell he was probably rolling his eyes, though still smiling. you typically called him when you were drinking, usually to make last second plans, which almost always result in you passing out not long after.

there was a pause, followed by the sound of muffled rustling on his end.

"marcus, i'm bored!" you whined, before slapping a hand over your mouth.

you weren't even allowed to have cellphones past 10.

"well, looks like boredom's got a new best friend," he teased.

"can you pleasee come over?"

"calm down, i'm already on my way," he grumbled into the phone, and before you could hang up -- "don't drink all the wine!" he whisper-yelled.

you snapped your phone shut and quickly got up to unlock your door.

in no time you looked up from your comfy spot on your bed to see a curly haired boy peek his head into your poorly lit room before closing the door behind him.

you sat up with a grin and an outstretched can of booze and soda.

"so, we're just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?" he collapsed onto your mattress and shot you an award winning sheepish smile.

"noo, i called you to come hang out with me," you ruffled his hair and pulled him down so he could lay closer to you.

"but you do love me, right?"

it was moments like these; you know he's not only continuing the cute little charade. marcus is very insecure of those around him and his close relationships, he's always seeking validation from you. it breaks your heart.

"pinkie promise," you interlocked pinkies and and rested your head on his shoulder.

note: I know this is sO WEAK! i'm sorry, but i've been in such a mood to write/create lately and it shocks me that people still read this book ! I'd love to keep it going a little, but i need some requests/ideas pleaseee. they dont even have to be from the prompt list i provided earlier. also, i feel like i could get better content out if i don't really keep to the plot and/or universe of deadly class itself. I'd love to just keep including the characters :) please tell me what you think!

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now