❝ i can't believe i had a sex dream about you❞

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oh dear god i had no idea it's been almost a month since i last updated. please forgive me. i thought its only been like two weeks :0

requested, featuring: "i cant believe i had a sex dream about you last night"

there is no denying your best friend marcus is hot. he's well built, has an immaculate smile, beautiful eyelashes, and curly hair to die for. but you always had it under control-- while it's no secret to him that you think he's attractive, you've never really acted on it. no, not even during a drunken party or stone session, or during your unconscious thoughts at night. until last night, that is.

you woke up this morning with memories of the dream you had burned into the backs of your eyeballs and your face was completely flushed. you can still distinctly hear the sounds of his moaning, and feel his fingernails digging into your thighs. you must've gripped your sheets in the middle of the night because your blankets were disheveled and your fingers were practically cramped shut. the dream was not something that would be too easy to get over, especially since you see him today.

as you shuffled through the halls of king's dominion, you kept a sharp look out for marcus. you wanted to be able to compose yourself at your locker before going to see him for psychopathy with mr. scorpio slasher.

you waved to maria and saya before fixing your hair in front of the small locker mirror, and grabbing your books for class.

the locker door slammed shut in front of your face and you were startled back by none other than your rambunctious, frisky friend, Marcus.

"hey, ______," he smiled that infectious smile, and you saw the smirk at the corner of his lip indicating he knew you were mad at him for catching you off guard.

instantly your face heated up as you envisioned all the dirty things you did in your dream last night.

out of frustration and embarrassment, you shoved him back a little, though playfully.

"i cant believe i had a sex dream about you last night," you whisper yelled at him, not wanting to attract the attention of the whole school.

the smile on his face faltered completed, "wait, what?"

you grinned cheekily at marcus before quickening your pace to psychopathy. you knew he wasn't expecting that to come out of your mouth.

almost as soon as you made it to the classroom, marcus latched onto your wrist and yanked you backwards.

"you can't just tell me that and then walk away," he ran a hand through his hair.

"it was funny. anyway, we can't be late to class," you scolded and tried to pull your hand away but he pulled you further away from the classroom until you found yourself inside a cleaning closet.

"we're not going to class. i wanna hear all about the sex dream you had about me," he sat down on the floor and stared up at you intently.

you sighed before sitting in front of him.

"i was originally gonna avoid you until i forgot about it, but i thought if i put it out in the open then it would be less awkward and we could joke about it. guess i was wrong," you chuckled.

"tell me what i did in the dream," he grabbed your hand again.

you watched as his eyes flickered from your lips to your neck to the hem of your shirt. the air was palpable. you too always joked about sex, but never actually contemplated it before.

"fine," you caved.

this time, you grabbed his wrist and guided his hands to your waist as you crawled into his lap. almost magically, you fit together. your lips brushed and it sent a shock wave through your whole entire body. you knew he felt it too because he instantly connected his lips with yours and deepened the kiss. you slowly began moving your hips against his rhythmically, and like in your dream, his fingernails slightly began to dig into your thighs.

his lips traveled down your jawline before he began lightly nipping at your jugular.

you were missing psychopathy for this.

you had a sex dream about your best friend last night.

your best friend who is incredibly hot and adorable all at the same time.

you were about to have 100% sober sex with your best friend.

this was a lot better than your dream last night.

note: i know this is horrible and cringey but i didn't realize its been so long since i last updated so i knew i needed to post something quick. i'll be updating more frequently this month (don't worry, it'll be better than this one). also sidenote-- endgame ended me. I have no idea what to look forward to now.

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now