❝acid king❞

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requested: featuring "what happens in vegas stays in vegas" & "i just like proving you wrong" & "so it was you. why am i not surprised?"

it all started with a road trip to las vegas, nevada. you, marcus, saya, maria, billy, and willie, all crammed into a top-down vehicle with drug money burning a hole in your pocket and billy's plan to take down his father heavy on your minds. it was a bad idea, the group of you and your peers setting off into the afternoon sun, especially after the detention fiasco, but everyone was excited and in desperate need to blow off some steam.

you didn't even want to go, you felt as though it was your duty. arguello is your pledge, and you needed to keep an eye on him. the poor kid has had a less than stellar time at king's dominion, and his face was finally healed from the incessant beatings.

when saya took a pit stop at hippie central to score some cocaine, the air reeked of "self righteousness and body odor", as billy phrased it, and you were feeling alive, mingling with fellow stoner deadheads.

you were annoyed though, when marcus spent his money on bunk acid and mediocre weed. billy got a blowjob from a pretty blonde, maria and saya scored coke, and you and marcus proceeded to get stoned (you were able to score some better quality herb.)

"i warned you about these crunchy hippies and their bunk drugs and you didn't listen to me. and now you've thrown all your money away," you chastised the boy, who was already sober.

not gonna lie, it was pissing you off how close maria was getting to marcus. she knows you're attracted to him, and that you have to keep an eye on him. you didn't want her getting him into any more possible trouble. but ever since she came back from snorting cocaine, she's been nothing but touchy-feely with the boy. she ruffled his hair and poked his chest- if she called him guapo one more time you were going to flip your lid.

you and the gang were sitting around a table when another hippie came by, offering "doses." marcus went off on a spiel about how he was already ripped off today, to which the dude gave 10 free hits to prove otherwise. maria and saya gladly obliged, willie not so much (but he got some anyway).

to prove his point, marcus placed 7 hits on his tongue.

"don't do it marcus. you don't know for sure" you latched onto his wrist, but he shook his head.

"its probably bunk. besides, i'm the acid king and i just like proving you wrong," he smiled in your direction, as everyone stared at him dumbfounded.

"you better hope that's bunk, dude."

well... it wasn't.

and your boy was tripping balls. it didn't help that you had to practically crawl under the car in a stoned haze to talk him out of the digital mountains that were coming for him.

since the start of his trip, you had to practically babysit marcus. during your drive through sin-city you knew he was experiencing a plethora of visuals and a landscape of intense neon lights. he could probably smell the music coming from the stereo, but you couldn't relate; you and billy decided to carry the burden of being "trip-sitters."

"time was frozen for a million years. i was alone, undying in a world of statues. of course, once time resumed, none of you knew. but i did."

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now