❝i can't sleep when you're not with me❞

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requested: including prompt "they were all looking, but you didn't care. you ran up to him anyway" & "it's okay to cry" & "i cant sleep when you're not with me"

marcus was given a roommate, shabnam of all people, and you didn't know what to do with yourself.

ever since you arrived at king's dominion, you felt alone and scared and misunderstood; that was until marcus lopez arguello showed up several months after and made your time at the atelier of the deadly arts a little more bearable. he hated bullies, and so did you, with a downright seething passion that the two of you bonded over instantly.

"piss off, filthy rat," brandy and her posse spit at your feet and you felt so pathetic and alone since she uttered those words with such vehemence-you couldn't help that you weren't a legacy.

you were used to the bullying and name calling; it came with the territory. but since marcus was moved from the broom closet, you hung out with him less and spent more and more sleepless nights alone or in the company of those you disliked.

you see- the falsely accused teen was your roommate at king's; unbeknownst to a lot of teachers and the school's head master. you shared a room with a legacy that you couldn't stand, and the feelings were mutual so when marcus had a small albeit cozy closet of a room, you spent many nights cooped up on his twin size mattress listening to the smiths on his walkman and complaining about who you two hated at school while you helped marcus with his homework. there was only a small handful of pupils who were deemed tolerable.

before marcus was in your life, you never knew what it felt like to have someone your own age care for you so deeply they'd put their own life on the line. brandy hurt your feelings, and while you were used to it, you felt like you wanted a hug to make you feel slightly less like a small, worthless human being.

that's what landed you in front of marcus's bedroom door at 10 p.m. it was a sorry sight: you, a pajama clad girl swiping at her face and wiping at her nose from excessive crying. the door's to the other legacies bedrooms were open and they watched you puzzledly when marcus' door swung open and he greeted you with a worried face and opened arms.

they were all looking, but you didn't care. you ran up to him anyway.

shabnam watched curiously as marcus shut the door behind you and ushered you to his bed where he asked what happened. you explained, and the more you did, the more you felt stupid for overreacting to the whole situation.

"i shouldn't even be crying. it was stupid. brandy's always a bitch, i should get that by now," you swiped furiously at your eyes and began to stand up, a new resolution bubbling inside you.

but marcus pulled your wrist back down til you were sitting directly next to him again.

"it's okay to cry," he wrapped his arms around your waist and you felt safe again. you missed him.

"i guess i came to you because i miss hanging out with you, even if it was to practically do your homework for you. my roommate is still awful and when she saw that i was upset tonight, she told me to just 'suck it up and get used to it.' honestly, i hate her so much. i can't sleep when you're not with me, marcus," you pouted.

you noticed marcus and shab share a mutual look of understanding.

marcus wiped at your eyes and looked at your face reassuringly, he ran his fingers through the length of your hair and you whimpered at how good physical contact felt from him, even if it was so simple as stroking your hair.

"you can sleep with me tonight, come on."

he pulled you into his bed and wrapped his arms around your waist. shabnam turned off his lamp and the room was engulfed in darkness.

you felt marcus stroking your hair and his fingertips linger on your cheekbones- it was lulling you to sleep. you snuggled deeper into his chest, counting his heartbeats until you inevitably fell asleep with the beautiful boy, the only one who could make your days at king's dominion tolerable.

note: aghhh i know this one sucks ass but it's my birthday and i wanted to give you guys an imagine. i may delete it later on if i still can't stand it. please continue to vote, comment and add this book to your libraries! expect another update by wednesday!

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