❝if only hating you was as easy as loving you❞

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requested: featuring "if only hating you was as easy as loving you" & "do you regret it?"

it was perplexing: seeing him turn up at your doorstep in a suit and tie, pressed pants and his odor reminiscent of a hangover. every time you see him, his face is a collage of bruises, scratches and scars though this time was the first you ever saw him cry. he looked guilty, and you knew exactly why.

were you and marcus friends, or more than that? who knows. friends would be an understatement and best friends would be too complicated. you've kissed, you've consoled, you've always been there for each other. that is, until he enrolled in king's dominion and killed rory which you knew was eating him alive. you knew this because he's been getting his hands on whatever substance he could dull his pain with ever since.

you felt hurt, but he was hurting more. you knew he must've been desperate because he told you he wouldn't be back, indefinitely. he didn't want the school to know you were his biggest weakness because he knew the way they treated information like that.

"i thought you said i was too much to handle," your tone was harsh but your face was contorted in sympathy.

you stepped outside, and the sky was overcast. it definitely set the tone for the afternoon.

"it was a lie. i was trying to protect you, from them. but they'd find out about you either way. willie took credit for murdering rory, but master lin knows it was me. there could've been a better way for me to deal with him," he looked at you desperately.

you bit your lip, trying not to cry at his pathetic state. you sat down on your porch and marcus followed in suit. he looked so awful; rage and despair bubbled in your chest at the fact that there was nothing you could do to get him out of this mess.

"honestly, marcus, rory was a killer himself. you saved a lot more innocent people from being slaughtered," you coaxed his head into your lap and wiped his tears away with your sleeve. he closed his eyes as you ran your fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down.

"i know i told you you were too much to handle. all you were doing was trying to help me- when chico beat me up, after the poisonous pop quiz, turns out i'm too much to deal with."

you didn't deny that he was.

"where did you just come from?" you asked, trying to take his mind off of rory so you could bide time and figure out what to say about the mess. his guilt was contagious and you felt his chest heave as he held back sobs.

"rory's funeral."

so much for taking his mind off it.

"that's fucked," your fists clenched in anger.

he wiped at his eyes and buried his face into your clothed stomach, you could hear a muffled, "i know but i needed the closure in a fucked up way."

you took a deep breath in and looked down at the poor boy you adored.

"oh marcus, if only hating you was as easy as loving you," you whispered.

you couldn't hate him, even if it was life or death.

"do you regret it?" he mumbled, now looking up at your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.

"regret what?"

"loving me?"

the way he watched your face was the sorriest sight in the world. he asked you as if that was the only thing that could ever matter to him in his lifetime.

"of course not, baby."

you kissed his forehead.

"i could never."

note: two updates in one day i see? there probably won't be another until sunday, but until then please keep commenting and voting on this!! i appreciate you all :)

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now