deadly class: sorting hat!

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okay, don't mind me, i'm bored.

if you guys disagree with me, comment lol. i wanna hear your guys' thoughts!

marcus lopez arguello:


i literally was thinking of sorting him into any house other than ravenclaw-- i was thinking slytherin for obvious reasons, hufflepuff because i just sort of automatically associate adorable personalities w/ hufflepuff but we all know the bitch ain't loyal. gryffindor it is because we all know he's courageous even though he's an idiot 89% of the time.

billy bennet:


he's cute, he has a heart of gold, he's the least problematic, he's loyal. he does give me mad rambunctious weasley vibes like fred & george. idk, you tell me, im low-key torn.

saya kuroki:


she's a natural born leader. she's ruthless, badass, cunning, the epitome of slytherin in my opinion. plus she's got those sick tats. i feel as though the finale really proved her house, especially since she can separate herself from her friends and focus on what's important to her.

willie lewis:


i was originally going to sort him into gryffindor. yes, he puts up a tough front, but at the end of the day he's a pacifist. when he was leaving the gas station with garbrielle, i feel as though a gryffindor definitely would've intervened with that man getting jumped. a gryffindor would also probably have shot chico when he had the chance. i guess you could make the argument and compare him to neville, but honestly, as much as i love willie (I really do) i think neville longbottom is more courageous. oops I said it.

petra yolga:


i've been torn between ravenclaw and slytherin for this one. ravenclaw won because she's very intelligent, intuitive, she's independent and it just feels right to me to sort her into ravenclaw. if i was determining this by the way she is portrayed in the comics though, i would've went with slytherin for sure.



he's asshole. but he's still a good guy at the end of the day. the reason I went with slytherin is because i feel like he does do everything for his own self interest most of the time. he seems smarter than he lets on, maybe its the accent.

maria salazar:


okay, now im not looking at gryffindor and slytherin as these black and white depictions of good and evil. just because someone's in gryffidndor doesn't mean they can't be a bad person, same goes for the other house. i do not like maria, but it was very brave of her to kill chico. i give her mad props. and going to vegas "behind his back." she's badass in her own ways, even though i felt her relationship with marcus was toxic.

note: do you guys agree? disagree? totally disagree? i wanna know your opinion. im writing until my NyQuil starts taking effect so i can sleep. so far im wide awake. next, i might assign each deadly class character with greek godly parents. im gonna try and do some extra research though because im already torn on who id pick for some characters. if you guys have ideas, let me know! also please send in requests for headcanons! I want to write some this weekend so I can give my mind a break from writing long imagines for a few days.

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now