❝home sweet home❞

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requested: featuring "fight me" "you're like three feet tall, stop telling people to fight you" & "i hate you!" "no you don't" & "where the hell have you been?" "riding a llama in neverland, where do you think"

"fight me!" you brazenly crossed your arms across your chest, ready to pick a fight with the african american boy who was trailing you and marcus.

after missing your best friend, who was homeless mind you, for a whole day and a half, you were flabbergasted to see him being followed by the tough looking boy who had the balls to threaten him with a hand gun.

"get in the car, you punk ass," he menacingly threatened.

"who are you calling punk ass?" you questioned exasperatedly.

marcus grabbed your arm, sending you a look that said 'stop.'

"you're like three feet tall, _____, stop telling people to fight you," he deadpanned before grabbing your arm and leading you into the backseat of the car.

"i know him," was his reply when you shot him a weary glance.

you felt even more puzzled and lost as you got into the car being driven by this dangerous stranger.

"marcus, who is this? where the hell have you been? you left me in the slums all alone last night with rory, you bitch."

hip-hop music lightly lulled through the car stereo and your hands were firmly planted on the passenger side seat directly in front of you; you were uneasy, and had every right to be.

you could see the mysterious kid shoot a menacing glance at marcus through the rear view mirror which made you even more angry. you hated not being in the loop, and you hated how beat up marcus looked- he'd been dodging every question sent his way since you ran into him 20 minutes prior, your stomach was in a bunch due to hunger, worry, and frustration, though mostly because of the latter two.

"riding a llama in neverland, where do you think?" he faced you, making light of the situation, though you knew he was deflecting (obviously). and that hurt you even more.

your eyebrows furrowed in horror as the boy pulled out his gun once more, and you both put hands up in surrender.

"tell her to shut up, marcus. and don't say a word to her, you know what'll happen."

your hands were sweaty and you threaded them through your long hair, which was tied back in a rubber band that hurt like hell.

"what don't i know marcus. you didn't come back last night, someone fucked you up badly, and now you won't even tell me where you were? and we're in a random dude's car?" you looked at him pleadingly.

he looked at you sympathetically before pulling you closer to him and putting your head in the crook of his shoulder, he smelled like cigarettes and weed and grime, well you did too, but it was still off putting because you could feel how fast his heart was beating.

"i'm fine, _____. I promise," he said as reassuringly as he could.

you couldn't take your eyes off the driver's glare in the rear view mirror, though you swore his features softened as he observed how close you and marcus were.

"and you, who the fuck do you think you are, waving a gun around? your music taste is shit by the way. i have no idea where we're going or what you want, but please do not lay a finger on marcus, he's all i have, literally, and i don't know what id do without him, so you better back off, okay?" your eye contact never left the mirror as you said this, and you cursed yourself for your wavering bravery and surfacing vulnerability for the boy, despite it being true - you'd rather be hurt than see marcus dead or missing.

the car came to an abrupt halt as he pulled over, marcus face palmed though now his hands were wrapped around your frame in protection. his heart was in his throat, sure he knows who willie is but after the past day, he hasn't an inkling of what the boy is capable of.

"willie, don't-"

willie turned around to face you completely, his eyebrows scrunched and pissed off expression forming a scowl on his lips before it turned into a hearty laugh.

"this your girl, marcus?"

the olive skinned boy shrugged and you held back a blush, both of you not knowing what to say.

"you know what, i'll take that as a 'it's complicated'" he grinned.

"but i like her style: doesn't know when to shut up, and pretty feisty too," he mocked.

"you ever kill anyone?" willie asked you, so nonchalantly.

"not yet, but i'm about to right now," you said, ready to get in his face again, jumping out of marcus's grip and about to cross the center console.

marcus felt like he was watching this debacle from the sidelines, so he pulled you back into him.

your shoulders slumped in defeat as you shifted to the opposite side of the car, and you put your face in your hands. for a moment the boys thought you were crying, but there was no sniffling and you weren't struggling to wipe at your eyes.

"i was just so scared, ya know? i had to sleep all by myself last night, and what's worse? i had no idea where marcus was. i couldn't sleep, couldn't eat or drink. i couldn't even go to the police because they don't give a damn about the homeless. i know we don't sleep with a roof over our head or wake up to pancakes and bacon every morning, or even get a decent shower but marcus, you're the closest thing i've had to home. i thought someone killed you, i thought you killed yourself, or got apprehended. don't you dare do that to me again. i hate you so much right now," you mumbled the last sentence looking directly into his face, your watering eyes scanning the scar he got from his old boys' home.

you bit your lip, willing your tears not to fall, and they never did.

"no you don't," he calmly replied, pulling you back into his arms and playing with your hair.

you're home to him too.

note: prompt requests are still open! only one person has requested so far so i definitely have some time to do more, especially as the show continues.

you can still request prompts that i've used already, ill just try and switch up the context/scenario so it feels new.

you can also request regular imagines where you tell me the gist of what you want to happen and i'll do a one-shot type thing about it!

thank you to everyone who's been reading!

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now