marcus lopez having a crush on you; headcanon

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- marcus lopez was drawn to you the moment you met

- you're pretty, funny, and anything but problematic compared to the other rats at king's dominion

- the other rats, take petra, billy, and lex for example, were hardcore punk rock kids

- you were different. you gave off mad hippie vibes, and you weren't a stereotypical emo kid

- when chico dumped coffee on marcus his first day, you were the one who took him to the bathroom and cleaned him up

- from that day on he was crushing madly

- because you were a literal flower child, marcus tried to show his admiration for you with little bouquets of dandelions and twigs that he'd arrange and present to you shyly in the graveyard

- it was equally embarrassing and flattering; that he showed an interest in you that way

- he'd share his food with you at lunch

- he was at your beck and call at every opportunity that would arise. he'd do anything for you

- if you were sick, he'd take notes for you and fill you in on everything you missed out on in class. he'd even cover for you if you were late

- it was absolutely adorable

- the new boy was cute, no doubt

- you liked him too

- you loved teasing him about his obvious crush

- it was amusing to make him blush. plus it was a good feeling knowing someone liked you for you

- you were a hugger

- he loved that. you'd greet him with a hug, give him a hug goodbye. even if you weren't hugging him, you'd sling an arm around him or rest your head in the crook of his neck if you sat next to him

- his heartbeat quickened and he could smell your hair. it smelled like vanilla frosting and he immediately associated your scent with all things warm and happy and peaceful. things that are welcoming and serene

- the thought of you made him smile

- the sight of you made him smile

- the boy would actually blush when you'd smile at him. he'd be beaming radiance

- he would always try to impress you, whether it be by listening to your music and acquiring a similar taste or showing off in class. he'd defend your name when chico or other legacies would talk shit about you behind your back

- he started to know everything about you. he knew what soda flavor you'd order, he knew what your hobbies were and he knew the things you disliked

- he loved to make you laugh, it was like music to his ears, and of course a major boost to his ego. he'd make goofy faces or tell lame jokes

- sometimes you'd make him nervous though, especially if you were dressed in your weekend attire and your hair done. he'd stutter and stammer and make a fool out of himself.

- "awww, marcus. you're so cute," you would poke his cheek and peck his nose. he'd grin ear-to-ear

- he was shamelessly attracted to you

- he loved even the sound of your voice. he'd engage in conversation with you about anything and everything: the sun, moon, god, his family, your family. he'd even catch himself geeking over his indie comics to you, and he'd stop himself from getting too excited

- but you love it when he gets excited and you'd put on a smile and nod your head and ask him questions about the characters and storyline and then he'd get excited all over again and delve into intricate backstory

- he'd even loan you his favorite comic books. he'd draw you in various comic styles and made you into a fictional superhero

- you loved watching him draw. he had a knack for it truly. your roommate was beginning to get tired of your shared walls getting covered in drawings he drew for you

- he wouldn't shut up about you. ever

- "____ said this," "oh, _____ loves that song!"
-"we get it marcus, you love her" one of the boys would tease if they got sick of him talking about you

- you'd let him hold your hand on walks or when you do too many drugs together

- he'd even pretend to be something more when guys would hit on you and make you uncomfortable

- knowing marcus has a crush on you is such a relief, because you know he has your back and it's just

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now