hiding your relationsip w/ marcus; headcanon

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- you and marcus have been trying to keep your relationship a secret for awhile now

- unfortunately, half of king's dominion already figured it out

- most people pretended they don't realize it, just to humor the two of you

- but shabnam gives way too many "subtle" hints. plus he's not stupid. he's marcus' roommate after all

- why do you two fail so hard at keeping it a secret, you ask?

- you flirt too much in public

- you're always touching. always. your hand would always find its way to his shoulder. he'd always have an excuse to brush his fingers against yours. or place his hand on the small of your back

- you'd practically have to hold his hand through everything; figuratively and literally

- if there were ever raised eyebrows one of you would quip, "oh he had lint on his blazer" "there was a spider" "i don't want her to be cold." a plethora of pathetic excuses

- whenever you'd part ways at any point during the day there'd be lingering touches and sloppy grins on your faces

- it was even harder to hide your relationship when you'd have spontaneous make out sessions in empty classrooms and closets. you'd emerge with messy hair and bruised lips. marcus' tie would be loose and his usually pristine uniform would be completely disheveled

- one time you were both late to class and one of the boys joked, "hey marus, you got your shirt on backwards" insinuating something dirty

- the dumb, but endearingly naive boy actually looked down to check that his clothing was on right

- sometimes things would get a little too hot and heavy and you'd leave a small hickey at the base of marcus' jugular. maria actually walked in to the girl's bathroom while you attempted to hide the evidence with concealer

- the second she saw marcus propped up on the sink, his curls messier than usual and a makeup sponge in your hand you guys thought it was all over

- she closed the stall door with a creak and an obvious smirk while you and marcus shared horrified glances

- willie was the next one who decided to openly tease you about it

- "heard you hooking up with a girl last night. can't believe you finally got laid. who was it?

- "oh, no one"

- he was looking directly at you when he said it

- the beans had been truly spilled during detention though

- when marcus was picking the lock and you decided to tease him a lil

- "you're such a spaz" you mocked and crossed your arms across your chest

- he shot you a cheesy grin and your heart melted

- "god, its so obvious" he smirked, his voice smooth as velvet

- "what?" you asked, suddenly defensive

- "you wanna get married and have babies and hump on the washing machine-"

- chico, petra, saya, jaden and viktor erupted into unison "i knew it!"

note: don't worry, i'll still be writing full length imagines like i was but i've been kinda busy with homework. this was requested too. i've been feeling better lately. listening to a lot of lil peep & brockhampton lol. if you guys have headcanon requests, let me know. HC's will get done sooner/faster.

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now