❝damn boy, what a stud❞

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"you kissed two girls in one day?" you questioned in exasperation.

marcus told you the events of his crazy day meeting saya and maria (both of whom he locked lips with in the span of 24 hours.)

he nodded his head and fiddled with a loose curl that limply dangled in front of his eyes.

"damn boy, what a stud," you congratulated, though deep down you felt stung with jealousy.

even though you and marcus have been best friends for a long time, you envied other girls, particularly ones that were especially badass and popular (and pretty.) you also couldn't help but feel as though marcus was incredibly naive and vulnerable for a boy his age; it seems as if he could fall in love with any girl that smiles at him, except for you that is.

he chuckled and let out a faint "yeah."

you leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes, your hands on top of his shoulders. sure, you'd kiss him in a heartbeat- of course you were quite curious, the boy has kissed a lot of girls in his short lifespan and you wanted to know what all the fuss was about for yourself, but, what mattered more to you than anything else was the fact that he made it through his first day at King's Dominion alive (barely.)

"so what, have they taught you how to make some love potion at your twisted hogwarts school of witchcraft and assassination?" you joked.

"nope, apparently i'm just irresistible," he half smiled/ half smirked; you couldn't tell that he was gauging your reaction out of the corner of his eye.

you furrowed your eyebrows at him and forced a smile.

"i'm not going to date any of them though. saya's way out of my league- she's too tough for me, and maria has a lot, i mean a lot, of baggage. they're not my type, besides they kissed me," he admitted.

you licked your lips and subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

"sheesh, that school certainly has a lot of loose women," you joked.

"oh be quiet, you were jealous just a minute ago."

you took a step away from him, a glare set rock hard across your face. yes, you were jealous, but this was all you'd ever do whenever anybody would confront you about your feelings for marcus lopez: deny, deny, deny.

"yeah, right," you rolled your eyes, but the boy had you whipped. he reached for your hands and pulled you back towards him.

"you can't even admit that you're a tiny bit curious, that you wanna see what's so special about me, not even to boost my ego a little bit?" he grinned and a teeny tiny bit of blood began to bloom from his lip from where "chico" beat the daylights out of him earlier. he looked pathetic, but in a way that was childishly glorious.

your hand instinctively reached for a tissue to wipe the blood but there weren't any left, so instead you grazed your thumb along his bottom lip to wipe it away.

his hand lightly gripped your wrist and with his free one he pulled your waist closer to him until you were flush against him and you whimpered at the unexpected contact

your lips brushed and it felt tantalizing
and oh so right

you held onto his face and gripped his shirt, your tongues tangled and he groaned into your mouth as you nipped his bottom lip. he tasted like cigarettes and sour patch kids and even though you could never see yourself getting hooked on nicotine you could see yourself with a hopeless addiction to the taste of his lips. kissing him made you even more jealous, you were furious that another girl knew what it was like.

little did you, saya and maria paled in comparison to your lips, he actually wanted to kiss you.

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now