❝what are you looking at?❞

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"what are you looking at?" marcus asked you.

this was one of your new favorite past times- teasing the new "rat" at king's dominion, not that you aren't a rat yourself. you and billy were the academy's class clowns and the two of you have taken a liken to the new boy with the bad reputation.

you smirked, obviously holding back laughter while you shook your head before looking down at the papers in front of you, absentmindedly doodling on your paper.

you bit your lip, boldly raising your gaze once again. the boy's cheeks flushed with anger or embarrassment, possibly both, as your eyes ravaged his profile.

"are you staring at me or you staring past me?" he put his pencil down firmly, the corner of his lips upturning.

ugh you didn't want him to catch on. you relished in making him uncomfortable, it was very entertaining. but you also didn't want to take your eyes off of him- he was breathtaking, from his curly brown hair, to his long eyelashes and smirking lips. even though he was practically beaten to a pulp, it didn't take anything away from his good looks.

all you replied with was a "yes." refusing to answer either question seriously.

this time though, he kept looking at you. he was thinking, two can play at this game. you felt his eyes on you and it was different being on the receiving end. you bit the inside of your cheek before finally looking up.

"why are you looking at me?" you asked, challengingly. there was a glimmer of playfulness in your eyes but he still wanted to know what game you were trying to play; what you were getting at.

"i'm looking at you because you're looking at me. why are you looking at me?" he challenged back.

feeling bold, you inched yourself closer to him, as much as the table you were sitting at allowed you.

he looked perplexed, but was definitely enjoying the distraction from his homework.

"you're cute." you answered wondrously.

he laughed. but after that day, he was yours.

note: thank you to all those who comment and vote, please keep doing so! for those who requested, please hang in there, i'll be getting to your requests soon. and i'll be editing the "dating marcus" headcanon at some point.

deadly class imagines ━  marcus lopez arguelloWhere stories live. Discover now