marcus lopez being mad at you; headcanon

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- you didn't mean it - you hadn't realized what you said until after the fact. and by then it was pretty much too late

- you were arguing with marcus over something so stupid: he was warning you to stay away from some of the legacies, even those you kind of started to befriend. he was simply warning you because he cares for your safety and well being, but you were having a bad day and you were so desperate to fit in at king's dominion

- it didn't matter to you if some of the legacies were simply only nice to stab you in the back later on, you're just glad to have "friends."

- in a rage, you yelled at the boy, saying he was "jealous that you were able to make friends outside of the circle of rats." marcus is "just too cynical because he had a terrible childhood, and it was time he got over it."

- for a moment you thought he was going to hit you, but he didn't; he would never. he only looked at you with the utmost betrayal in his eyes, and he left, slamming your door in the process

- instantly, regret bubbled in your chest and you were consumed with guilt. marcus' childhood was an extremely touchy subject, and you couldn't believe you had stooped that low

- it took up to thirty minutes for you to muster the courage to apologize to him. he's your best friend, and you felt as though this is something you'd never be able to get over

- when no one answered after you knocked on his door, you decided to take matters into your own hands and test the knob. to your relief, it was unlocked. as you hesitantly entered his room, marcus was lying on his bed with his eyebrows knit together, writing in his journal

- he looked up in surprise, until he realized who it was. his expression settled into a glare

- "marcus, i know i'm the last person you want to see. i just came to say i'm so sorry. theres no excuse for what i said to you. i know you were only warning me because you care about me, and what i said was so selfish. You're my best friend, and i love you. i'm such a bitch, but i hope you can forgive me."

- he only looked at you briefly before returning his attention to the notebook. you couldn't tell if he was writing or drawing

- marcus is the sweetest person you've ever met. he's a hero who's saved your ass on multiple occasions. he has the bruises to show for it, too. you reluctantly sat on the edge go his bed, and he continued to ignore you. looking down at your hands, you decided to speak again

- "i don't blame you for hating me, or if you never want to talk to me again. but at least hear me out, i don't think you're jealous of me. you are such a good person, marcus, and im jealous of you. i am so sorry for what you went through as a kid, you're the last person to ever deserve that kind of pain, yet you bear it valiantly. i'm going to leave you be, but please know that i didn't mean anything i said earlier." you ran a hand through hair hair before rising from his bed and beginning to leave his bedroom

- "wait," he called out

- you looked over your shoulder, feeling hopeful

- "i love you too," he said with resignation

- and you smiled, shutting his door softly behind you

note: yes this sucks, i'll work harder next time. also, i came across some new marcus fanfics, so if you look back on one of my chapters titled "marcus stories on wattpad" you can see the last two i added! they're very good! i've been watching buzzfeed's unsolved series and it's so good, shane is hilarious and my favorite human ever. i will be writing more imagines this week, especially ones that take place in different episodes that i've yet to write about! if you guys have ideas let me know!

ps: thank you for almost 3k votes. agh it's crazy!!! keep voting. i love you guys

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