❝this is why we can't have nice things!❞

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requested: featuring "this is why we can't have nice things" & "i'm gonna come to your house with a giant boombox in my hands and tell you that i love you"

the whole school has been on edge: first chico's murder and then yukio's? king's dominion was starting to get way out of hand.

you and your best friend marcus have been fighting constantly, over ridiculously stupid things. this is only due to the tension of not wanting to get caught and reprimanded by the wrath of master lin for what happened to chico, or more importantly, el alma del diablo.

the last thing you anticipated though, was being shoved into marcus' room along with viktor and willie. you knew lin and his sister were just trying to find out who killed their students, and while chico's death was deserved, yukio's made things all the more complicated.

and it pissed you off that you knew it was maria's doing. how could she betray saya like that?

you desperately wanted to rat her out. after all, she was responsible for both deaths. but no, marcus wouldn't allow it. and that's why you both were huffing and puffing in annoyance, on both sides of the room. you sat next to viktor on shabnam's bed, and willie stood next to marcus.

"trouble in paradise?" viktor drawled in his thick russian accent.

a lot of people at king's liked to tease you and the nicaraguan- you're both awfully close some even suspect you're dating. you'll always deny the accusations though.

willie looked up from his comic book inquisitively, but he knew exactly what this was all about.

"you take me to vegas, under false pretenses, get me involved in a dangerous situation, and then you lie about everything," you ranted.

marcus just looked at you blankly. he knew of how dire everything was- he just doesn't know how to deal. thank god he's not your pledge.

"you want to rat on maria! she's our friend!" he whisper-yelled. he didn't want viktor to know what was going on.

you gritted your teeth and slammed your hands on his dresser causing several items to crash to the floor.

the boy sighed in annoyance, "see, this is why we can't have nice things. you come and ruin them," he growled while bending over and retrieving them.

you ran a hand through your hair in frustration, and your blood pressure rose.

"marcus, i just want you back. i miss you. you're my best friend. i'm just pissed that maria got us into so much shit. you can't blame me for that," you sighed.

not gonna lie, you were slightly jealous of beautiful mexican girl. she seemed to have marcus wrapped around her finger.

the two onlookers just watched in amusement. viktor flipped through one of shab's filthy magazines while willie changed the music.

marcus growled in frustration and ran a hand through his unruly hair. he sat against the door, and you took the spot right next to him.

"you're right, you're right. but what can we do now? be actual rats and snitch on maria? she's scared. she wouldn't have done this for any other possible reason."

"chico's dad will crucify her, literally," he whispered.

"i know." you felt like screaming.

"fuck this school!" you screamed into a pillow that was lying on the floor.

"so you're telling me you're going through all of this trouble just for some pussy?" the russian chimed in.

you rolled your eyes and marcus scoffed, "maria's not my girlfriend!" he put his hands up in the air.

"i don't mean maria, i mean her," he pointed directly at you.

you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"the reason rat boy won't let you snitch is because lin will kill you for withholding information this long," he flipped a page of the play boy magazine casually, as if it were the morning paper.

you looked at marcus, your eyes suddenly soft, "is that part of why you don't want me to go to lin? you're trying to protect me?"

marcus rolled his eyes but didn't deny it.

you immediately wrapped your arms around him and all the disdain you recently had completely melted away.

"if only this were a movie- i would show up to your house with a boombox playing morrissey and tell you that i love you," you kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"marcus likes rat girl, rat girl likes marcus. make rodent babies," viktor said casually. willie actually chuckled at his statement.

he returned the hug and kissed the top of your head.

of course you still felt bad for maria, but now you knew the truth: you're still marcus' favorite.

note: agh i'm so sorry. this one sucks assssssss. i don't know what's wrong with me. i'll do a better job when i post again tomorrow, i promise. today was a good day, i had free pancakes at ihop and then i'm seeing captain marvel again tonight! please please vote and comment. sometimes i see that like 200 people have read a chapter but only like 50 people vote! feedback is what motivates me to write more. love you guys!!

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