𝘟𝘟𝘟𝘐. 𝘜𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘉𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴

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Chapter 31: Unfinished Business

"She wasn't fragile like a flower. She was fragile like a bomb." —Unknown

" —Unknown

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JUNE 21, 2016


THIS wasn't the first time she was going against the law to do what was right and oddly enough it was strange to think so. Well, considering all Aurora knew was how to murder efficiently and make casual sarcastic comments, this was a plus in her own book. And another plus would be purchasing a plane ticket at the last minute with Tony's money, might as well use the passport she got the year before. That being said, the girl hoped that the hologram she made of herself to fool Tony would work once he returned... as long as he didn't touch it. Most likely it'll fail, but she wouldn't be there to witness how furious he'd look— so it wasn't so bad now that the teenager thought of it.

Steve mentioned meeting up at a local cafe but discreetly as Sam will be the one picking her up. She followed the directions given on the device, located on more of the outskirts of the town, understanding it would be less likely to find surveillance cameras there. Aurora got used to having little to no sleep as the girl rubbed her eyes gently, remembering it was part of the training she undertook back in HYDRA. It was only early evening as the newspapers were still highlights from yesterday's attack, calling attention to the capture of the Winter Soldier. Thinking how punctual she was considering traveling for over four hours and slowly getting jet lag— even if she could have just teleported instead.

"How's isolation doing for you?" A voice called out from behind, a few tables away sat Sam sporting a blue cap to slightly conceal his identity. Aurora stood still for a few moments, steadily taking out her mirror to 'examine' herself while using the reflection to find him. For once she put her hair in a high ponytail, ditching the pink wig since she'll be meeting an old friend again.

"Alright, how's becoming a fugitive holding up?" She replied and sipped on the herbal tea, an attempt to hide the growing smirk. Sam knew damn well she was in another mood, slightly grimaced at the question.

"Wondering if this really was the best option," He whispered calmly, leaning against the chair and surpassing the urge to sigh heavily. Honestly, she understood his current dilemma after the sudden situation, standing up first and walking towards him. A genuine small smile appeared, the girl tilted her head to indicate in leading the way.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, Wilson," Aurora answered sincerely, Sam hesitated in nodding as he was getting used to the kid. An odd one for sure, but she was learning and the best he can do is help along the way.

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