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"Tell me which one is worse... living
or dying first?" —Billie Eilish
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SHIELD Headquarters

Location: Washington, D.C.

April 5, 2014

"IT'S time," Aurora declared through her earpiece, staring directly at the SHIELD headquarters within a two-mile radius. The teenager gripped tightly the 30 calibers semi-automatic weapon, reloading the gun whilst glaring from her sunglasses. M.A.T.T.H.E.W was scanning the facility for an entrance, Aurora gently placed her onyx mask onto her face. Today was her last day to finish her assignment before going back to HYDRA's Research Base.

"Ты готов белый волк?" Aurora questioned her partner, spotting him pointing at the distance causing the young teenager to follow his finger. Slowly, three SHIELD helicarriers began to appear from underneath the riverbed, meaning that they have initiated the launching sequence. Aurora strapped the gun around her shoulders, gathering the other weapons to attack the base.

It was simple really, Phantom had to rescue Pierce from the SHIELD whilst the Winter Soldier had to kill Captain America. Easier said than done.

"Оставайся здесь, маленькая звезда...." The Winter Soldier uttered, his blue orbs piercing directly to Aurora whilst maintaining a neutral expression on his face. Aurora paused for the moment, clenching her jaw while she cursed profanities in Latin even if the male agent could understand every word.

"Нет, мы делаем это вместе. Нравится тебе это или нет, но это тоже моя миссия." Aurora angrily at the statement, knowing that he couldn't deny that this was her mission too. There had to be a reason why she was assigned to do this, perhaps for the good of the order. And it may not be the reason she thought it would be. The teenager held her ground with a menacing smile to indict that she meant every word.

Hesitantly the Winter Soldier jerked his head towards the helicarriers, waiting for the girl to hurry up. Although he never uttered a word, his icy blue orbs spoke louder than whatever he would say to her  Aurora silently grinned for her small victory as she latched her hand to his and teleported to one helicarrier. It was too easy, observing that Project Insight was on its course to have the world bend their will to HYDRA.

Nearby, shouts were heard from SHIELD agents who were loading the aircraft carriers to help Captain America. However, a bomb exploded onto a plane that was about to launch in the air, causing it to crash and generated a large explosion. Aurora used her caliber gun to kill any agent on sight until one man dropped a bomb ready to explode any second towards them. The teenager shot him in the chest, whilst the Winter Soldier tossed it inside an aircraft.

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