𝘝𝘐𝘐. 𝘏𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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"The human mind is truly the
scariest thing of all." —Unknown
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SHIELD Headquarters

Location: Washington, D.C.

April 2, 2014

STEVE Rogers was still taken aback by the recurring images of Nick Fury's death, the man with the metal arm and young woman from last night. So much has happened in such little time, that there was no way all of this was considered a mere coincidence.

Many questions left unanswered.

Who was that man? There was something about him that made him... familiar. And why kill Nick Fury? Did he know about the flash drive? Why did Nick Fury trust him more than his team? Why was the young teenager involved with the assassin? Was she an assassin as well? All those questions were still a mystery yet just waiting to be solved. Rather in due time, it will.

Steve had a slight problem; he only had Natasha with him and even then he didn't completely fully trust her. As for the rest of the Avengers; every other member were occupied at the moment. Stark and Banner were probably locked up in their lab inside Stark Tower, sorry the Avengers Tower. Barton or Hawkeye was most likely on some classified mission somewhere in the world. And last time Steve heard from Thor; the God of Thunder was back on Asgard with his new sister-in-law celebrating their anniversary.

Nonetheless, Steve was forced to face the reality that no one besides Natasha could help him. The elevator dinged softly, as Steve exited the elevator to one of the many floors at SHIELD Headquarters. He was curious about the aftermath of last night, like how insistent Rumlow was about taking him to Secretary Alexander Pierce's office.

The blonde soldier hastily walked towards the Secretary's office just when he noticed a familiar blonde agent leaving the older man's office. Steve kept his composure yet couldn't help but narrowed his azure eyes at the woman. After last night Steve gathered that Kate, his neighbor/disguised nurse, was Agent 13.

"Captain Rogers," Kate greeted as they passed by each other, looking somewhat down. Still, Steve gave a curt nod in greeting.

"Neighbor," Steve retorted as the woman blushed nervously, quickly shuffling her feet away from the Captain. Steve stopped in front of Pierce's office; as the older man greeted him with a kind smile.

"Oh, Captain, I'm Alexander Pierce."

"Sir, it's an honor," Steve greeted formally before they shook hands firmly.

"The honor's mine, Captain," Pierce replied. "My father served in the 101st. Come on in."

Pierce motioned as Steve observed the Secretary's office with some interest after the mention of 101st Airborne Division. He noted that it was spacious and carefully spaced out, something that someone as powerful as he would have.

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