𝘐. 𝘚𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴

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"What you seek lies beyond
what you desire."  —Unknown
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HYDRA Research Base

Location: Sokovia, Europe

February 5, 2014

"YOUR mission if you choose to accept it... Agent Hunter." A male agent declared to the brunette sociopath who was staring directly at him. The female was currently sitting on a wooden chair smackdown in the middle of the room. The only objects in the dark-lit room was another chair at the far corner, a vacant table the male agent was leaning against, and a flickering light illuminating the room.

A moment of silence passed by, still nothing. The HYDRA assassin obviously was thinking critically and thoughtfully about the new assignment. It's only been a few days since she completed her last one, they must be urgent now with the frequent issues going on with HYDRA. The tall man crossed his arms against his chest as he stood up with a neutral expression at the female agent, the only noise was light breathing and shuffling feet coming from the sociopath.

A few minutes and still no response. The girl's hazel-green eyes gleamed with mischief and mayhem as a vivid smirk contoured the agents' full lips. She clenched her fists tightly at the thought of her success, she was finally becoming an important asset to HYDRA.

"What would I have to do?" The teenager finally answered, accepting the mission with a knowing look the man recognized. Her posture was normal, her delicate face was unfazed as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Your mission Agent Hunter is to track down Senator Alan Brooks and obtain the information inside his briefcase. He was a HYDRA agent..." The mysterious man explained the assignment until he was interrupted by the teenager.

"Was?" The young assassin questioned, her eyebrows quirked upwards with a curious expression plastered on her face. There are only two reasons why HYDRA wants to eliminate their enemies... traitors and anyone that associates themselves with another secret organization.

"Yes, we discovered that his prime intention was to obtain all the secrets of HYDRA. And his mission is to personally deliver it to our arch-nemesis...." The man stopped at the dangerous expression the teenager was displaying.

"SHIELD." The assassin practically growled at the mention of the name. Her voice was laced with venom and hatred at the organization who couldn't mind their damn business.

"As you know Agent Hunter, HYDRA does not tolerate traitors." The man paused as he uncrossed his arms before confessing the next phrase, "The files he has collected especially contain information about the Winter Soldier and... you, Aurora."

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