𝘟𝘟𝘟𝘐𝘟: 𝘏𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭

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"Storm in her eyes, fire in her soul,
she was half but seemed whole."
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Midtown School of Science and Technology

Location: Queens, New York City

August 8, 2016

"ANY tips for surviving high school? Or how I would like to call it... hell." Aurora jokingly questioned Darcy who parked in the school parking lot. Glancing out the passenger window to see a crowd of students heading inside like it was a normal first day. She turned her head to face her guardian, while Lewis was pondering what good advice she could give to the teenager. Although she already recommended the girl plenty of source material to watch, aka teen high school movies.

"Hey, it's not all that bad. But definitely don't be a know-it-all, everyone hates that but at least pay attention. Do show off when no one else knows the answer." The woman suggested while handing Aurora some cash for cafeteria food or whatever she wanted for later. Pocketing the money in her jacket pocket, she tried to recall if everything she needed was in her backpack.

"Noted." The young Stark acknowledged with a curt nod, taking out her phone as she connected it to her headphones. Half serious and half bored since she was going to be given a tour around the school. Even if she was about half an hour early when class actually began. It was something Principal Morita's idea to have a student show her around although Aurora really wanted to skip that.

"I know you have super strength or whatever but don't show off how good you are during PE. Just do your 'best' but enough so you don't seem lazy." Darcy told her, using her fingers to emphasize 'best' while the girl just blankly stared.

"Okay, anything else?" Aurora asked while making a mental note of that.

"Yes, absolutely no boys. Well... that's what Mr. Stark told me but honestly, you're a teenager. You should have fun. So... when you do find a boy, let me know so I can buy the necessities." Her guardian grinned in a teasing manner. Immediately, the girl scrunched her face in annoyance, not forgetting her signature eye roll.

"Okay, Lewis, slow down. I'm not looking to hook up. And I'm sure most boys are too fucking immature for sex." The teenager insisted while narrowing her eyes, not believing what she just heard. Tony would kill Darcy and then her if she ever had sex, he definitely didn't want to be a grandfather yet. "Besides, there's the whole 'soulmate' situation I have."

"You know I was just kidding... well, kinda. Fine, you're right... at least make some friends. Then find your soulmate." Darcy resumed her little rant, noticing that some students passing by were glancing at Aurora.

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