𝘝. 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘈𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯

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"Sometimes, memories are the worst
form of torture." —Unknown
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Hunter Residence

Location: New York City, New York

December 30, 2004

"RORY, darling, can you come and help me tend the garden?" Diana called out to her only daughter from the kitchen. Aurora who was in the living room playing with her porcelain dollhouse, gently placed her doll onto the wooden floor.

"Okay, mommy." Aurora nodded her head as she placed her hands onto the floor as she lifted herself up. Aurora wore a crimson dress with ribbons decorated across the hem of the dress, as she wore a plastic tiara onto her brunette hair. Diana strolled towards her daughter as she bends down to her daughter's height.

"Now, who's my little princess?"

"I am!" Aurora giggled happily, as she latched onto her mother's hand. Diana carried her daughter outside to their luscious garden. Diana sighed sadly as she thought about her old home somewhere else. Aurora tugged the water hose as she sprayed away towards the giant olive tree, and the white roses and tulips around it. "Done, mommy!"

Diana looked up high as she smiled sadly at her daughter. Aurora noted her mother's sad smile, "Mommy, is something wrong?" She asked innocently.

"It's just... darling, I want you to know that you will always be loved. And someday you will understand everything that is happening." Aurora being oblivious to her mother's words nodded as she glanced over her shoulder. A monarch butterfly fluttered to Aurora's nose as she giggled lightly. She tried to touch the beautiful creature, it flew away from her as she smiled happily.

Diana carried her daughter back inside as she glanced at her front door. 'Strange. I thought I felt someone at the door.' Diana thought mentally, she shrugged her senses aside but was still kept on guard. The toddler happily followed her mother to the kitchen, as they both heard a loud noise coming from upstairs.

"Mommy?" Aurora asked worried at her mother. Diana swiftly ushered her child, "Shh, darling hide under the table okay. Here," As Diana handed her daughter a necklace, shaped as a black diamond with a onyx-metal chained around the strange crystal. "This will protect you, wear it and you will be safe."

"Are you coming back?" She asked scared. Her mother nodded as she gently kissed Aurora's hairline lovingly. "Now hide." She ordered seriously.

Diana stood up, an azure mist surrounded her as her civilian clothing were replaced with a shining golden armor. Her armor bracelet transformed into a golden shield for protection as she heaved it with agility. Her infamous golden sword was raised proudly in front of her, as she cautiously walked upstairs to the intruder. Her instincts in combat heightened as she heard the faintest noise coming from her daughter's room. Diana approached the door, as she attacked the intruder.

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