𝘟𝘟𝘐𝘟. 𝘓𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘉𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵

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Chapter 29: Loneliness And Bullshit

"She knows who she is. She just forgot it for a little while." —Unknown

" —Unknown

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JUNE 19, 2016


NATURALLY as expected, Aurora was grounded after returning home from the conference. He was beyond furious that she recklessly headed towards danger and he didn't give her a chance to explain herself. She was being monitored in her room by FRIDAY which was unfair that her punishment was staying at the Avengers Compound until Tony decides when. What's worse is the possibility of not visiting Olympus, disappointed with herself that everything could have been avoided if she just didn't go inside. At the moment, she was chatting with her mother using a small device Hermes invented to communicate from far dimensions. Quite uniquely designed as it was a small charm for the necklace that projected a hologram to see each other.

"Hey mom, how's things at home?" The teenager asked, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed comfortably as she smiled sadly at her. Apparently, she missed her mother's birthday last week, but Athena insisted it was alright and explained time varies within different dimensions. Nonetheless, she was willing to make something special in honor of her— she just didn't know what.

"Just fine darling, your uncle Apollo was wondering when you were coming." Athena chuckled softly as the hologram showed she was slightly distracted before someone appeared with a confused expression. Upon realizing it was the Sun god teasing his sister, he greeted the girl jokingly that he was meant to take her on his chariot to see the entire Olympus. Of course, the goddess quickly denied it as she knew well enough her brother wasn't the most responsible.

"Seeing Thea won't let you have any fun when you come, I'll be the one to take you away from your boring responsibilities." The god teased which caused Aurora to hide the growing smile while Athena would roll her eyes. It was always entertaining with the Olympians considering they were adults acting like teenagers at times.

"They're not boring nor are you going to distract her with nonsense. Unless you would like to assume the throne and responsibilities I have?" The Queen questioned intrigued, as he feigned a thinking face before failing to hide his growing smile.

"If only we settle this in battle my dear sister, but I unfortunately resigned and have better things to do with my time." He sighed dramatically as she ushered him to go away, not giving him a chance to say goodbye. The young Stark wondered what it felt like having a sibling or anyone near her age to joke around, talk nonsense, and enjoy the company.

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