𝘟𝘟𝘝. 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦

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"The child of a royal bloodline does
not have to follow the footsteps of
their ancestors." —Unknown
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Pantheon Hall Of Gods

Location: City Of Olympus, Olympian Realm

June 24, 2015

NEVER did the young Stark think her world would change in an instant? Her mind couldn't wrap around the fact she was the daughter of a fucking Queen, and a legendary one of that. And the granddaughter of Zeus, she had a family here... and it was all ruined because of HYDRA. But those negative thoughts fluttered away as she fidgeted with her fingers nervously, after departing from Asgard and King Odin, she dared say that he wasn't what she expected. There was something odd about how he seemed to stare at her curiously, knowing something that she didn't. Thor stood by her side while Heimdall was readying to open the Bifrost, Athena gave the Gatekeeper one last farewell before being transported.

Brilliant luminescent lights flashed around the family, Aurora smiled at the sight of the galaxies and planets; and in a split second, they arrived at Olympus. Nothing came to Aurora's mind on how stunning her home planet is, evergreen fields, cerulean sea by the Kingdom. Female warriors lined fiercely beside their Queen, bowing in respect towards the royal family. They mounted onto their horses and strolled along the outskirts of the Kingdom, many commoners and nobles greeting them with bright smiles. It wasn't long before they stopped at the steps from the entrance, Thor helped Aurora down which she quietly thanked.

"Welcome home, darling," Athena declared as the warriors clinked their spears onto the ground in a synchronized sound before opening the tall doors. The goddess continued forward as she was greeted by servants and someone came forward to embrace her. Aurora could only stare confused while Thor quietly reassured her that this was her family. Her family? A woman, a man, and what appeared to be young adults came shortly after and smiled fondly at the eldest goddess, however, one turned to notice the young girl.

"Is that her?" The young redhead who appeared only five years older than Aurora asked Athena. She nodded brightly as the others slowly approached the girl, startled by the attention she was receiving. The difference was, they all had sincere expressions, unlike HYDRA that held sinister smiles. Quickly shaking off the thought, she was able to analyze the small group, first was the blonde that had beauty beyond imagination as she could only guess it was Aphrodite.

"My, how much you've grown. I knew you'd be a beauty. You have your mother's face which might I say I'm jealous of," The blonde goddess leaned forward to examine Aurora with excitement, teasing her sister. Athena merely rolled her eyes playfully but relieved that everyone was here. Aphrodite inspected the girl before realizing the uneased expression, the woman chucked before apologizing, "Oh, pardon my manners, I'm Aphrodite."

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