𝘟𝘟𝘝𝘐𝘐. 𝘙𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘴𝘵

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Chapter 27: Running From The Past

"You can't always be strong, but you can always be brave." —Unknown

" —Unknown

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MAY 3, 2016


"REMIND again who thought this was a good idea for me to be out in the open?" Aurora questioned through the earpiece, pretending to check herself on the mirror but angled it towards the IFID Headquarters using the enhanced scanning. The other Avengers were in their respective positions as they await instructions from Steve, however, the teenagers' comments gave them a minor distraction on the situation. It was a few days ago when they received intel of a possible heist to steal a biological weapon. And what's worse is that it was hinted to be the Winter Soldier trying to steal it. But Aurora trusted her gut; it wasn't him.

"Because we agreed that if anyone would get caught, I would choose you." Sam chimed in, almost feeling his smug smile through the comms. She tugged the cap lower to shield part of the face, wisps of pink hair fell while strolling along the busy street as cars honked at her for crossing but she just flipped them off. Wanda slightly chuckled at the action which caused the young Stark to be satisfied with herself.

"How sweet," The teenager sassed back in annoyance, placing a small tracker under the garbage truck to follow its tracks. She then leaned against a lamppost shortly after and sent the coordinates to Sam with much distaste. Then she continued with the witty banter, "But if I recall correctly, I didn't get my ass handled by a teenager, and nor did I get caught."

"Enough you two, we need to focus." Steve interrupted calmly, she swore Sam was smirking from the distance but this wasn't going to be forgotten about. Grumbling some inaudible words in Greek, the girl sighed that she was being bullied by an adult. A freaking adult who acts immature might she add.

"Sorry," Aurora muttered an apology, but the point she made was valid. Deciding to continue scouting the premises, her phone beeped with a notification from Tony. Fuck— she forgot that tonight they would fly out to one of his conferences at his old university. Quickly answering back to avoid suspicion, the girl tried to maintain focus as she felt her hands quivering.

"It's alright, now what do you see?" Captain America insisted as he questioned the rest of the team who was quiet on the other line. She stared down at the fingertips turning slowly blue as she breathed heavily that it was happening again. Damn the stupid nerves, clenching tightly, and hid them inside the jacket.

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