𝘟𝘟𝘝𝘐𝘐𝘐. 𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦

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Chapter 28: Always Expect Trouble

"The horror you have seen is not who you are." —Unknown

" —Unknown

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MAY 4, 2016


AURORA couldn't concentrate on anything that afternoon, the constant memory looped in her mind at seeing his terrified face before being devoured by the flames. The news was still discussing the incident that occurred with many blaming the Avengers, but they didn't understand the whole story. Seeing she couldn't do much, she walked along the school grounds to help settle the nerves. It was about an hour before Tony's presentation and with him busy with preparations, she needed to keep her mind at ease. Her first thoughts were about Bucky, how traumatic it must be to witness something so horrific and not doing anything to prevent it.

Is that how it felt like? Constantly being tormented by his actions and what he could have done differently? Wanda must've felt the same feeling, however, the teenager didn't have a chance to chat during the chaos. After Charlie fell, Aurora forced herself to take cover as the building was going to collapse. Sam managed to find her as she leaped out the window only for him to grip her forearm tightly before carrying her down. Seeing the aftermath of the medical building brought discomfort as she just waited by the aircraft sitting silently. And as expected— after arriving in the compound, she was lectured by Steve and Natasha, both reminding her that what she did was irresponsible and reckless.

The young Stark didn't argue with them, they were right... it was reckless of herself to think she could do that. Aurora couldn't tell Tony about deliberately pulling a stunt like that, a feeling of helplessness filled the depths of her soul. Something she hasn't experienced for as long as the girl could remember. Always taught to neglect everything for one goal and what did she get in return? Nothing but pain and suffering for herself, manipulating others for their advantage. And the vision she saw about HYDRA didn't help either with her mentally, what the fuck was happening to her? Deciding to escape from the clutches of tension, she took off to the streets with some spare time before the conference.

The first thing she did was go to a local cafe and sit by the window near the door, something she always did in case of an emergency. Looking through her phone which was gifted by Tony after seeing she didn't have one, an unknown message popped up saying, 'Don't forget the flowers.' She immediately recognized it to be a code from Bucky, confused profoundly why he needed to talk to her. Not noticing the young man approaching her to take the order, not thinking much of it she just asked for a small mocha latte. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard as she contemplated going since it was still dangerous for them.

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