𝘝𝘐𝘐𝘐. 𝘐𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘥

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"People always have secrets. It's just
a matter of finding out what they are."
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
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Location: Washington, D.C.

April 4, 2014

"LISTEN, I got to fly home tonight because I got some constituency problem and I got the press the flesh." Senator Stern told Agent 22, known as Jasper Sitwell, as they walked down the stairs with guards surrounding the two men. They had a very private discussion about the future of SHIELD when they reveal Project Insight to the world. They both wanted national security and a threat to decrease exponentially, therefore they sought out a solution for the world's population.

"Any constituent, in particular, Mr. Senator?" Jasper Sitwell as the U.S. Senator, continuing to have their conversation. The agent was listening carefully to watch the Senator had to say about the secret operation.

"Ah, no not really. Twenty-three, kind of hot. Real hot you know? Wants to be a reporter, I think. I don't know," The Senator stated as he stared around his surroundings, hoping Sitwell will understand the discreet messages. "Who listens at that point?"

"Doesn't sound like much of a problem to me." Jasper understood what the Senator meant.

"Really? Because she's killing my back. But this isn't the place to talk about it. This is a nice pin," The Senator gently grabbed the pin, obviously a way to signal further the message.

"Thank you," Sitwell smiled faintly at the man.

"Come here," The Senator stated before whispering in Jasper's ear, 'Hail HYDRA!'

The Senator started walking down the stairs before he stumbled a bit. "See, it's right there..."

"Yeah, I just saw that," Sitwell pointed out at the injured leg. The Senator crouch down to try and soothe the pain.

"Should I get it checked?"

"I think you should," Agent 22 suggested, as the older man walked away, but still his guards were around him. Just then, Jasper received a faint vibration in his handkerchief pocket, he reached inside to read the caller ID. It read, 'Alexander Pierce.'

Pierce? Why would he be calling him right now? He almost always never call him during the day. But, Sitwell presumed that it was something urgent concerning HYDRA. "I need a minute," He declared at his bodyguards, who nodded in understanding before leaving the agent by himself. "Also, bring the car around."

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