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"The strongest hearts have the
most scars." —Unknown
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Avengers Tower

Location: New York City, New York

May 2, 2015

AURORA awkwardly looked around the main floor as she lightly sipped her champagne, the only non-alcoholic drink Tony allowed her. She was currently sitting on the bar stool with a few party-goers laughing and conversing, while she just barely listened to Agent Hill, Tony, and Thor. Not too far from where she was, Natasha was serving herself a drink behind the counter, smiling softly at the girl. The teenager desperately wanted to go to her room or continue training, but instead Tony insisted on coming so that he could watch her.

Therefore, Natasha took the time to dress Aurora up in a cocktail dress for the first time. The teenager refused until she gave in when she observed a nice light blush dress that Pepper gifted her. She didn't know why... but it made her feel like a child again. Maybe when her mother was alive she could have worn dresses, but that was so long ago. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful dress, Aurora concludes as she slipped it on. The dress nicely complimented her hazel-green eyes, with a low cut neckline that barely shaped her curves.

Aurora was only fourteen, yet she had managed to gain some cleavage from her chest. She just hoped it doesn't grow too much since it might be in the way with training. The dress flared out of the waistline and just above her knees, which was paired with some small silver heels. The teenager despised the shoes since she had to practice walking in them. The only thing Aurora thought she looked different was the subtle makeup she had on her face, enhancing her sharp features. 

For once, Aurora stared at herself in astonishment from the subtle transformation. Her face no longer held a serious expression... but a hopeful one. One that matched her eyes with a delicate nod, whilst Natasha was pleased with herself. The soft curls swayed, Aurora smiles gently at her reflection for a few moments. She never considered herself pretty since all she cared about was training and the missions HYDRA gave her.

What Aurora didn't know was that she reminded Natasha of her mother. Both with strong personalities and facial features that almost made the redhead woman believe it was Diana herself. Another thing was how they had a distinct appearance that radiated strength and power. Even if Aurora was born with greatness, she had greatness thrust upon herself for being the strong girl she is now.

"Where are the ladies, gentlemen?" Maria Hill declared to Tony and Thor, interrupting Aurora's thoughts as she stared at the brief interaction. The teenager sulked on the edge of the counter, simply continued drinking her champagne from the glass.

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