𝘟𝘟𝘐𝘝. 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘈𝘵 𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵

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"She healed her own brokenness."
—R.H. Sine
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Royal Palace Of Valaskjalf

Location: Asgard, Nine Realms

June 3, 2015

AURORA was convinced by one thing... everything she dreamt about was for a reason. Visions consumed her mind after meeting her godfather, fairly certain that there was more to him. Whispers echoed at every turn, the teenager desperately trying to chase after it. Eerily similar to the incident of Loki's scepter, wondering why he spoke to her when no one else was around. His soft yet firm voice brought chills down her spine, almost if wanting her to do his submission. However, she knew better than that, recognizing the same motive with HYDRA... only she won't follow orders.

The young Stark knew secrets were hidden within these halls, just like every place, there's a story written here. Investigating for any clues, peculiarly feeling drawn to a surge of power nearby. Aurora found herself conversing with her godfather whenever she was alone, becoming suspicious that he's trying to know more about her. Yet this didn't stop her from discovering the truth, recalling that she was the so-called 'Vessel' of the Tesseract. Apparently, Thor knew something was special about his niece, however, that was just the surface. The Asgardian Prince mentioned to her of a vault that held relics, even telling her the location that only intrigued Aurora.

One late night, the teenager managed to pass through the guards to find Odin's vault, a small smirk appearing on her lips. Mischief filled her eyes as she discreetly formed a blue mist to cloud their minds, opening the doors before shutting them. She only hoped that the Allfather didn't discover her trespassing, sighing in relief before walking along the hall. Relics were placed on pedestals along the walls, staring curiously at the power source. A large golden gauntlet was the first she noticed, glaring at it confused for a moment.

Didn't she see someone else had this exact relic? Only that the other was missing stones like the one here. Gasping suddenly at the vision, clenching her eyes shut to ease the pain. Slowly she regained control, her eyes changed to the blue hue subconsciously. Standing there a second longer before strolling and noticing a blue glowy rectangle that had silver handles. Intricate designs were along with the relic, wondering what language that was yet dared herself until hearing that voice again. Whispering, 'The truth you seek lies here. The tesseract... you were chosen to protect it."

She immediately took a step back while looking at her surroundings, but she was all alone. Swallowing a large lump, Aurora continued with seeing more relics until she observed the last one. A blue cube— the Tesseract. The voice echoed again, she did her best to resist but when she's close to finding the truth... she has to know. Her feet swayed oddly, sensing how her energy was attracting towards it. Blue mists surrounded her body, the same color hue as the Tesseract before her eyes. Stepping gingerly closer, she outstretched one hand to grab the glowing cube.

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