𝘝𝘐. 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴

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"You can disagree with my methods,
but never question my intentions."
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Location: Washington, D.C.

April 1, 2014

ACTIVATING... Communications... Encryption... Protocol...

"Open secure line zero-four-zero-five." Director Nick Fury stated, driving incognito towards the Washington Union Station. Awaiting for Deputy Director Maria Hill to answer. The Director wanted confirmation on HYDRA's involvement with SHIELD secretly. Especially, after the 'incident' of the murder of Senator Brooks, is what started the speculation.

"Confirmed." An automatic voice replied. On his rearview; an image of Maria Hill appeared thus she's online.

"This is Hill," Maria answered through the microphone.

"I need you here in D.C. Deep shadow conditions." Fury decodes the encryption, a way to communicate with Hill discreetly.

"Give me four hours." Hill understood replying to her boss, yet Fury interjected, "You have three. Over."

Fury slowed down at the red traffic light, he felt eyes flickering at his direction. Thus, caused him to turn to his right and noticed a police vehicle. The two policemen looked directly at Nick, with a look of suspicion at him, "Want to see my lease?"

They said nothing, just turned on the police siren and slowly drove away. Fury did as well, when a vehicle collided with his, knocking him to the side. The police car that drove ahead, pedaled full reverse thus trapping the SHIELD Director. Soon after, many police cars surrounded him, not wanting him to escape.

"Fracture detected," Showing a full-body CT scan, indicating his left wrist. "Recommend anesthetic injection."

Fury reached out to grab the injection as a SWAT team truck pulls up. It opened its doors that caused many armed men surrounded the vehicle. Nick Fury stabbed himself with the injection, as his A.I. called out, "D.C. Metro Police dispatch shows no unit in this area."

Fury quickly realized that they were disguised mercenaries, as they all took out their weapons all pointing at the SHIELD Director. "Get me out of here," Fury ordered, just as bullets ricocheted all around trying their hardest to penetrate the glass windows and steel doors.

"Propulsion systems offline." Fury's car commented.

"Then reboot, damn it!" He shouted, with the bullets still trying to penetrate the vehicle. This caused Fury's vehicle to become weaker, thus the mercenaries brought out a battering ram to break in.

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