𝘟𝘟𝘝𝘐. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘈𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳

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"You've outgrown the old you. You're uncomfortable because your old life
doesn't fit anymore." —Leighann Heil
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Pantheon Hall Of Gods

Location: City Of Olympus, Olympian Realm

July 8, 2015

"SHE needs to know," Hermes insisted as he voiced his concern at the royal library, staring directly at his siblings. The remaining Olympians were gathered to discuss the young girl's future, knowing that it'll be a matter of time before Aurora will inherit the throne. But Athena couldn't concentrate as she knew the days were counted before sending her back to Earth, where she truly belonged. While she dreamed the day her lost daughter would return... and there she was. A young spirit that was unfortunately broken by the harshness of her heritage, yet both knew it wasn't going to be easy. The rest of the Olympians noted her sudden silence, making her snap out of her thoughts.

"Athena... it's best if she knows her responsibilities." Artemis stated with a neutral tone, pressing further the decision of the teenager's fate. Immediately, their Queen steadily shook her head as she already reached a conclusion, standing up from the high throne, and shortly after the others mimicked her actions. Walking along towards the marble table, fingers grazing at the parchment that held all the decrees from their ancestors.

"I will not make her take a rash decision. You must understand she's only a child." She declared firmly, gesturing how it was unfit to force her after just realizing her heritage. The others simultaneously sighed for different reasons, unaware that the said girl would be trying to listen in on the conversation. It wasn't exactly her fault, Aurora defended herself as she was just trying to find the kitchen and stumbled across a hidden door that led to a secret space.

"A royal child that'll inherit the kingdom." Aphrodite chimed calmly, usually silent when it didn't involve her but this was their niece. The other gods agreed to her statement, defending their ancestors' beliefs. The Goddess of Wisdom once believed in following the rules too, but they were heading towards a modern age.

"Who will be the future ruler once you step down as Queen? It's in the ancient scriptures—," The Messenger god persisted, earning an eye roll from his siblings. It was a sensitive topic as Athena tried to have heirs in the past... and after the passing of their father. The goddess always held her head high in an effort to composure herself. 

"I know what it states!" Her voice raised slightly higher, alerting the others at the sudden expression. Even Aurora felt chills trickling down the spine, not once did she hear her mother with an authoritative voice. The girl understood that she had to bring order but there was more to that— much more.

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