Phone Call Number 6

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"Luke, are you okay? I'm sorry, my phone got confiscated, but is everything okay?" She immediately blurted out her questions when she knew the phone had been picked up.

"Hello... whoever you are." An unfamiliar male voice said. It sounded slightly patronising, and Lily furrowed her eyebrows.

Who the fxck was that?

*end of recap*

"I-I'm Lily... but where's Luke?" Lily blurted out. She wanted to know that Luke was okay, after that horrible distressing voicemail, she just needed to hear his voice, she needed to know he was going to be okay.

The voice let out a malicious laugh that Lily cringed away from, gripping the phone so tightly it could have smashed to pieces in her hand.

"Luke's okay." The voice assured her, but venom spat from the words.

Lily took a deep, relieved breath. "Who are you?"

There was a pause, and Lily could only imagine what he was thinking in that pause, what he looked like, what he was doing. "I'm Ben."

Lily had no clue what those two words meant, and her fist that wasn't holding her phone clenched at her sides. "Who the fxck is Ben?"

He laughed again. "I'm Luke's brother."

Lily sucked in a surprised breath. Not once in all those diary entries and letters and the few times they had spoken had Luke mentioned he had a brother.

"Hmm... I see he hasn't spoken about me and Jack, shame really. He should have mentioned the people who ruined his life..." Ben said nonchalantly.

"Wh-what?" Lily said. This conversation was just confusing her more. She felt like she was just going in circles.

"Well-" suddenly, Ben's voice was cut off.

"Lily!" It was Luke's voice. "Lily, don't listen to Ben, he's just playing games, it's all he ever does." Luke's voice was clammy again, clouded with sobs.

"It's fine, Luke. But are you?"

Luke sighed. "I'm as fine as I always am."

That just meant he wasn't. He was never fine, but Lily was going to try and correct that. "Okay, Luke. So you never said you had brothers."

"Oh, I just never thought they were significant to talk about." He replied.

Lily really wanted to know what he looked like at that point. She wanted to see him, to know not just how he sounded when he was saying certain things, but what he looked like when saying them.

"Luke... I want to meet you."

Luke chuckled. "You don't know how many people said that when I was famous."

You're still famous... but Lily didn't say what she was thinking. "It's not that I'm a fan or anything, I just... I want to meet the boy that I know so much about."

"Hmm... well, we'll meet soon enough, but first, I want to know as much about you as you know about me." His words sounded like he was happy, and Lily was glad she had made him happy after the incident with his brother and Hannah earlier that day.

They stayed up talking for the whole night.

// a/n so none of you got an Oreo unfortunately. eh, I'll give them to you anyway, your guesses were pretty good. unfortunately the person on the phone was worse than any of the other 5sos boys though. (I feel bad for making Ben such a dbag in this though) *hands out oreos*

but yeah, if you thought it was going to get any better for Luke, you have sadly thought wrong.

and guys, I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but the past two days I have been doing a lot of homework. the teachers all seem to think that their subject is the only one that exists, so I'm getting a lot of homework from a lot of subjects.

I love you guys! thank you so much for 4.5K!! I'm screaming! //

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