Letter Three

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Dear reader,

I am such a terrible idol. I am such a terrible friend.

I am such a terrible son.

I was meant to go to the hospital to see mum today, but I couldn't. The past few times I went I broke down crying. That didn't do me or mum any good. I could see the pain on her face when she saw me crying, almost the same amount of pain I was feeling when I saw her suffering.

I just couldn't go. I didn't want to see her pain anymore. I hate seeing her in that state, lying on the bleached white bed covers with her face almost as pale as the sheets. I can see how close to death she is.

What if she's already dead? What if... what if today was the last time I would have seen her? What if I missed my last chance to talk to her because of my selfishness, my unwillingness to go and see my mother on her death bed?

I have to go. I have to go see her.

From, Luke.

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