Phone Call Number 5

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During Lily's Maths lesson, she heard her phone go off. She cursed herself, why had she not put it on silent? She knew exactly who it was, and she wanted to cry. Luke was pressuring her. Of course, he didn't know this, but it just... his constant calls were forcing a weight onto her shoulders that she didn't want to carry.

However, she knew this was partly her fault.

After all, it was her who decided to read the diary. It was her who searched desperately for the letters, and then read those too. And it was her who wanted to call him, and who did call him.

In the end, it was her who was putting the weight on her own shoulders. Luke needed her, and she couldn't go and blame him for asking her to help him.

Unfortunately, the teacher also heard her phone go off.

Slowly, Mrs James approached Lily's desk, her high heels clicking monotonously on the cool tile of the classroom floor. Her piercing blue eyes met Lily's with a cool gaze.

A cold, dry hand reached towards Lily, asking without uttering any words. Reluctantly, the younger girl reached into her bag and took out her phone, placing it in the hand with a sigh.

Her phone was confiscated, and she hadn't even lasted one lesson.

The rest of the day consisted of fingers drumming impatiently on the table, toes tapping nervously on the floor, and her mind constantly clouded up by thoughts of Luke.

Overall, it wasn't the best first day of school.

As soon as Lily got out of her last lesson, she went straight to the school office to get her phone back. The deputy head teacher gave her a brisk lecture on phones and concentration, and then let her get to afternoon registration.

Lily said goodbye to Lucy, and then ran out of the school. She unlocked her phone and saw the notification about Luke, she had one missed call and a voicemail.

She quickly dialled voicemail, and bit her lip as she waited for the angelic voice to start speaking. But when it did, it sounded like he had been crying again.

Oh, Luke.

After listening to the voicemail, she wanted to go to him and just hug him. (And maybe find Hannah and just beat her up a bit).

But she knew she couldn't go to him. First of all, she had no clue where he was, and second of all, she didn't think Luke would want to see her. He wasn't exactly in the best place right now, the last thing he needed was the stranger he occasionally talked to to suddenly appear unannounced on his doorstep.

She ran through the front door of her home and ignored her parent's questions, rushing upstairs and into her room. She fell on the bed and immediately dialled Luke's number.

"Luke, are you okay? I'm sorry, my phone got confiscated, but it everything okay?" She immediately blurted out her questions when she knew the phone had been picked up.

"Hello... whoever you are." An unfamiliar make voice said. It sounded slightly patronising, and Lily furrowed her eyebrows.

Who the fxck was that?

// a/n I'll give an Oreo to anyone who can guess who it is :)

I really need to rethink these chapter titles though... //

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