Letter Eight

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Dear Mikey,

Goddammit Mikey you're hurting me.

When I said I deserved all the pain you inflicted on me, I didn't mean all this.

You don't have to go out of your way to be nasty to me.

You don't have to trip me up in the hallways.

You don't have to text me those terrible things.

You don't have to hit me when Cal and Ash go out.

You've made a ritual now, haven't you? Yes, I've worked it out. I'm not a dumb blonde like you said I was (although that's actually the nicest thing you've said to me this week). I've noticed the pattern in these text. You text me a new terrible thing every night.

Every night at 8 o'clock. The same hour mum died.

Please. Please. I'm begging you. Stop hurting me.

~ Luke

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