Letter One

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Dear whoever is wasting their time reading this,

I guess you found these letters.

I guess you read the journal. (Why would you read that? Don't you think that's a bit of an invasion of privacy. Oh, who am I kidding? Who cares?)

I guess your curious about what happened to my mum.

Well, it's been a few months since I wrote that last entry in my journal, and I never built up the courage to finish the entry.

Eventually I just signed my name and left it at that.

But now I've ripped out a sheet of paper from it and have decided to write a few letters. I mean, my journal said it was the story of... well... me. I might as well finish that story, right?

Well, I'll tell you what's happened to my mum.

She's in hospital.

She's been diagnosed with... well, I don't understand the doctor's choice of words, but I know she's got about a one in a trillion chance of surviving.

And that's why I lied about actually caring about that stupid Hannah girl.

I just wanted to take my mind of my dying mum.

So I ruined Michael's perfect love story and broke them up. I just hated seeing him so happy while I was so depressed.

Is that such a bad thing?

... I am such a terrible friend.

From, Luke.

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