Letter Ten

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Dear reader,

It happened. It finally happened. It's been three months since I wrote the last letter and in those three months we went over the edge. Yesterday, Cal and Ash went out to get some Starbucks. I had no clue where Michael was, until he came down from upstairs.

He screamed something about Hannah at me, but I couldn't hear it because he was crying at the same times, his words coming out as rough, mangled sobs.

I stood up as he walked over to me, but I had never been the strongest of the four of us, and Michael easily started punching me, knocking me to the floor.

He beat me up, and I was defenceless against him. He knew just where to hit so that I was in as much pain as possible. I still am. My whole face hurts, and I won't stop crying.

After about five minutes of taking punch after punch, Ash and Cal came back, running in and pulling Michael off me.

I just lay on the floor, unmoving. My brain was overloaded, and I ignored the tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't stop thinking of all the things I did to Michael since my mum got sick. I was always so resentful to him because he went out with Hannah.

But then, I was never in love with Hannah, he was.

After the fight, I sat on the sofa in the living room while the other three went up to Michael's room. No one ever talks to me anymore, I'm always left on my own, drowning in my thoughts. I'm going mad because people leave me alone, wallowing in my mind, and I'm slowly running out of air.

Ashton came down later, and I was still sat on the sofa, but by then my mind was blank.

He talked to me about everything. Everything that happened since Mum was taken into the hospital. We discussed the good memories, and the bad ones, although the difference in the two amounts was infinite.

After all of it, tears were running down both of our cheeks, although mine were already wet. Cal and Michael joined us then, revealing that they had been outside the room listening to us the whole time.

But the tears weren't because we wanted to stay together as a band, they were because we knew we had to part.

Take a bow 5sos, the show's over.

From Luke

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