Phone Call Number 4

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Luke sat on the sofa in his living room, staring out of the window but not seeing anything. That was what he needed; he needed to open his eyes to what his life was like now.

He was alone.

The past couple of days he had felt full, as if the ruined tatters of his life had started to be put back back together again.

What an idiot he was.

He needed to open his eyes and see that one person was not all he needed to fix himself. Lily wouldn't be able to be with him every single moment of everyday. Unlike him, she had a life that needed to be lived. He couldn't just hold onto her and never let her go, dragging her into the depths of his despair along with him.

He needed his friends back, he needed to put his life together himself. Maybe Lily could help him, but he needed to pick himself up before he tried to get anyone else involved.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. He jumped up from the sofa, hurried to the front door and opened it, revealing a blonde girl with piercing green eyes. She was tilting her chin up defiantly, and when he opened the door she looked down her nose at him, as if she hated the sight of him.

He wasn't surprised, he was still in his crumpled pyjamas and it was almost noon.

Suddenly, he recognised the girl, and it hit him so hard it resembled the pain you would feel if a huge rock was thrown into your chest. He suddenly couldn't breathe, all the air had been punched out of him.

"Hi Luke." She said. Her voice was confident.

"H-Hannah..." his was small and squeaky.

"I just wanted to come and say that I know." She looked past him, into the house as if she expected someone to appear behind him.

"Y-you know?" He didn't understand. What was the ghost of his past saying?

"I know about what you did to me and Michael. And I do not appreciate it." Her every word was pronounced with precision, and her every word stabbed Luke in the chest. It was as if she was drawing every ounce of hope he had previously been feeling from his veins, along with all the kindness, all the honesty. She was leaving everything he never wanted to be inside him, and only with two simple sentences.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone. Hannah, you have to understand, I-"

"I don't want to understand, Luke. I want to find love, and I had that with Michael. I had everything I ever wanted, but you took that away from me." Tears were forming in her eyes, threatening to spill over the edges of her eyelids. They were threatening to reveal emotion, everything she wanted to hide from him. Luke knew this, he knew she didn't want to show her weaknesses to him.

Her need that showed in her eyes made him realise his own dependence on the red-haired boy. His own need for his best friends.

"I want Michael back." He whispered.

"God, you can't focus on anyone but yourself! Luke, I need him too, and we can't both have him! You've already lost your chance, let me seize mine." Hannah's face had contorted into the very image of anger, it was what he imagined anger as in human form. Her every word spat venom at him, and it hissed into his brain, sizzling any good thoughts he had every had.

With her words, she was draining everything from him. Soon he was just going to be left to sit in his house as an empty blob of nothingness.

"Hannah, please." He begged. You can't leave, give myself back to me.

"Don't talk, Luke. I just wanted to tell you that you're not going to be seeing Michael for a while." The girl hissed, turning and leaving him stranded in his doorway. He was left to stare after the black car as it drove away from him.

How was Luke supposed to fix this? He couldn't undo all the pain that had been inflicted on him.

He needed people in his life, people he could love, and who could love him back and spend their time on him, putting back all the puzzle pieces of his life. He needed help.

He slowly walked back into the house, closing the front door after him out of habit. He picked up his phone and stared at it. He wanted to call Lily. He needed to call Lily.

He knew she was at school, and that she couldn't talk to him at that point, but he wanted to call her anyway. He wanted to know she would hear this.

As expected, it went to voicemail, but he left a message.

"Lily? Um... it's Luke here. I just," he sighed, biting his lip, "I wanted to tell you something. I'm close to giving up, Lily. I... earlier I realised I needed to pick myself up. I knew I couldn't rely on you - or anyone - to fix me. I needed to try and do it myself, but just now... I just had a visit from Hannah. She drew that all out of me, Lil. She pulled it all out, all the hope, all my faith, all my determinism, she drew it all away. I can't fix myself, I can't..." he trailed off. Why was he telling someone he hardly knew all of this? Why was he so dependent on a girl who he had never even seen. He didn't even know what she looked like.

But this was what he needed.

He needed to pour his heart and soul into a voicemail message just so he knew she would hear it. He needed to tell his one and only friend in the world right then that he was feeling distraught, and that he needed her help.

"I can't do this without you. I need you to call me as soon as you can so that we can fix me together. Lily, I just... I need you."

// a/n okay, maybe it wasn't a phone call, but a voicemail is the same thing.

oh my gosh you guys, I love you all so much. every morning I wake up and see comments with tell me just how much you are loving this story and my writing, and it literally makes my day before it's even begun. this morning I woke up with a PM and almost screamed because it just... it filled me with so much happiness I thought I would burst. you guys are amazing, thank you so so so much.

I love you all, I hope this was a good update for you all. I promised a few people I'd update today, and I try to keep my promises //

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