Phone Call Number 10

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Calum was sitting in his living room with Ashton next to him. He listened to the curly-haired boy's fingers drumming impatiently on the table, and stared at the clock intently.

Michael had promised he would call them at ten pm to let them know what was happening. It was currently two minutes until ten.

Michael had been so distressed after Lily's call that he needed to go and see Luke. He needed to know that his best friend was alright, and that he wasn't on the brink of something terrible.

Calum had wanted to go with him, and so had Ash, but Michael had insisted it would just be him. He wanted to talk to Luke alone, and Cal understood this. It was just...

Calum was one of Luke's best friends. He really cared about the boy, and he wanted to know he was okay as well.

"I'm sure he's fine." Ashton murmured, to himself as well as to Calum.

Cal nodded, staring at the coffee table in front of them.

"Michael will make everything okay." Ash mumbled.

But would he? Michael used to snap into a frenzy every time he saw Luke. He thought the other two had never noticed, but Calum had seen it. He had seen it all.

So why had he never done anything about it? Why had he never stopped it before it got uncontrollable?

Because Calum was... sick. He liked drama, he fed off it. He never thought it would get to the point where the band broke up.

Fame had killed the old, "fetus" Calum. It had gotten too real too quick. He suddenly couldn't go anywhere without camera's flashing at him. He had cheated on his girlfriend multiple times with a different girl - correction: fan - each time.

But when it was suddenly broken, when the thread linking the four young boys to fame and fortune was cut, he realised what he had become.

He realised that it had all ruined his life.

Calum saw Ash turn to him, and he saw through his tears the boy's expression turn from sadness to concern.

"Calum?" Ash said, but Cal closed his eyes tightly shut and covered his ears with his hands, curling up on the couch.

He felt himself pulled into Ashton's lap, and his friend's large hands started stroking his hair comfortingly.

"Shhh, Calum, it's okay. It's all going to be okay." He heard Ashton whisper calmingly.

Calum had repeatedly been having these fits of crying since the band had broken up. In these times he just wanted to block out the world, he would hide in corners, cupboards, under stairs, and in toilets, crying until his throat was worn down to shreds.

Every time, Ashton or Michael had been there for him.

This made him realise just how alone Luke was. He had no one to help him, no one to save him, but Lily.

A girl he had never met. He didn't even know what she looked like.

"For me, it is." Calum responded to Ashton's muttering nonsense. "For me it'll be okay. But what about for Luke? Will it be okay for him?"

Ashton looked shocked. "I- I hope so." He said, running a hand through his hair. Calum sat up, running his tongue over his lips in a nervous habit.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Cal nodded.

Suddenly, Ashton's phone rang, startling the two of them. Ash's hand shot out to answer it, and he quickly put it on speaker.

"Michael?" Ashton said.

"He... he wouldn't talk to me." Michael sobbed.

"What? Why?" Calum asked, his hands fiddling with the hem of his tank.

"He said he didn't want to talk about it." Michael said, sniffling.


"Oh hang on a second, I'm getting another call." There was a pause, and the two in the living room heard Michael suck in a scared breath. "It's Lily."

// a/n don't fret if you are confused, it will become clearer soon. Guys, there are two chapters left. Probably should have warned you sooner... sorry! //

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