Phone Call Number 7

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Luke was woken up the next morning by his door banging open and water being poured over him. He shot up in his bed, his blue eyes falling on the two men in front of him.

He didn't think of them as his brothers. The things they had done had caused him to exclude them from his life for good.

Unfortunately, they had tracked him down.

"Morning, Lukey." Jack sneered, his mouth turned up at the corners in an evil smirk.

Luke looked around him at the soaked bed, then noticed his phone had been right beside him. Anxiously, he picked it up, mumbling curse words at his brothers as he desperately checked to see if it was still working, if he could still call Lily.

Thankfully it was just out of charge, it hadn't been broken by the tsunami that had hit it. Relief flooded through Luke as he stood up and met his brother's head on.

"That," Luke started, motioning to his now completely soaked bed, "was uncalled for."

"Your face is uncalled for." Ben replied.

Luke stayed silent, he knew that if he answered to that it would not end in anything good.

"Well, now you're up we're going to go get breakfast." Ben stated, and left the room.

"By the way, I heard you on the phone last night to your girlfriend. Please don't laugh so loud next time, your happiness keeps me awake." Jack rolled his eyes and left the room behind Ben.

Luke sighed, but then a smile perked the corners of his mouth up as he remembered his conversation with Lily last night.

She filled him with so much happiness. She was the only source of happiness in his life now, and he hoped to God that nothing could take that away from him.

Luke plodded down the stairs after he had changed, and met the two men in the kitchen. They had cooked breakfast, and boy, did it smell good.

He sat down and faced them, but that was when he noticed they had eaten it all.

"Oh, sorry Lukey, we didn't know you wanted any." Jack chuckled, biting into a piece of bacon like a hyena biting into a carcass of an innocent gazelle.

That was what Ben and Jack had always reminded him of. The way they lived their lives reminded him of scavengers searching for leftover pieces of meat from a fight. They were always avoiding the actual fights, but picking up the juicy pieces left behind, the prices other people had paid.

"Sure you didn't." Luke mumbled, standing up to grab some cereal from a cupboard. When he turned around, cereal box in hand, they were both smirking at him.

He sighed and set the cereal down, still standing. "Why are you here?" He asked them, his eyes shooting lasers at them.

They flinched from his tone, but appeared unaffected. "We just wanted to come and check up on our little brother." Ben said sweetly.

"You haven't come and 'checked up on me' since mum got sick! You weren't even there for her funeral!" Talking about Liz made tears sting in Luke's eyes, but he fought through the sobs. He wasn't going to cry in front of these animals. "Why the hell would you want to come and see me now?"

"We heard you were in pain." Jack said solemnly.

"So you come and deny me breakfast? You talk to my best friend in a way that leaves her confused and interrogative, and you pour water all over me so I'm shivering and could have easily broken my phone?!" Luke shouted. His brothers' evil smirks had disappeared, and now they looked equally as angry as Luke did.

"Luke, we just-"

"Shut up! You are the ones who have caused me all this pain, you are the ones who have ruined my life, you are the ones who killed mum!" Luke screamed, and lunged for his brothers.

He was never going to forgive them.

// a/n here is the next chapter! I hope you like the plot twist haha //

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