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It's been around half a month now, maybe a little more, things have gotten progressively better.

I have to take more medication than before, to take care of my deficiencies but it's alright, Sapnap and George remind me daily and they've gotten used to it by now.

Nothing much has happened except Phil has invited us three to his family-run cafe which should be a nice change of pace, and the school trip is coming in a week and a week after that, it's winter break.

We're planning to start my bucket list then, at least most of them. I'm treasuring every moment, as if they might be my last.

I've never been the superstitious type of person but my health is so flimsy I might as well be.

'Clay, dear, would you come down here for a second?'

'Yeah I'm coming down mum!' I run my hand across the railing as I go down, enjoying its sensation as I reach the bottom, pulling my hand away as I turn to face my mum, who's presumably in the kitchen.

'I'm going to meet up with Jennifer, do you want to hang out with your friends today?'

She's talked with Sapnap's mum, another worry relieved from my heart.

'Sure, I can probably plan something with George and Sapnap knowing them.'

She looks up from her dishes, 'Aren't you going to take that friend of yours, Techno was it?'


Technoblade? He would be one of the last people I'd invite, not because I particularly 'dislike' him but the air would be very awkward.

'Uh, yeah, him too I guess,' I sound definitely unsure, but my simple comment causes a wave of relief to wash over her face and she goes back to her dishes. She hums a song I haven't heard in a while, she'd always sing it to put me to sleep when I was younger.

I settle myself in the living room, melting into the comfortable couch. I bring out my phone, turning it on promptly as I look through my notifications.

WhatsApp- Sappy

lmao george wants to go to a cafe cuz aparently the vibes are cool

There were a few others from my social media, nothing particularly too important.

I open up Whatsapp, typing out a reply.

Yeah sure, does meeting up at four sound good?

I immediately get a reply.

yup were planning to go to philzas cafe since he invited us anyway, might be too busy today tho idk

I smile, sending a last snarky reply before closing my phone, relaxing into my seat. Phil's cafe, SBI's parental guardian despite only being a bit older than them. It's a less than usual family, they are. The entire family isn't linked by blood but they're so close, almost always found with each another that they're called a family, Philza being the parent figure and then Techno, Wilbur and then Tommy in descending order of age. 

Rumours have it that they're all orphans and this is their way of escape, to create famial bonds they didn't have. 

The possibility of that is also questionable, I do have to wonder how rich Phil must be to support four people (it's a fact by now that that Phil covers a lot of the SBI's bills for things, especially Tommy since he doesn't have a job yet). People say they might be adopting another into the 'family' but that's uncertain, yet another rumour to add to the festering list of them.

safeguard - dream and technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now