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As soon as I step out of the quiet classroom, my mind starts to play what it was best at, the, 'Make Dream unnecessarily anxious game!'

The voices of those who are supposed to be my peers gets so much louder, but so muffled and indistinguishable at the same time. It makes no sense, being loud but at the same time muffled, but then again, when has anything made sense?

Sapnap says something, his lips clearly moving but I can only vaguely tell what he is saying. George remarks about something in response, waving around his finger as if it would explain something better. I nod, trying to follow the conversation.

Why could I do this better? This isn't the first time it's happened so why haven't I adjusted already? Why couldn't I just try harder, why.

I feel my breathing become slightly shallow but the perpetuating voices are becoming gradually quieter, the voices around me becoming clearer.

'See you at break Clay, have fun with Miss Puffy. C'mon George,' he put his hand on my shoulder, obviously pitying me, Ms Puffy had been… not as retrained in the past few days. The warmth of his hand slipped  away and he took a left, the crowd of students engulfing him.

George speed-walks to try to keep up with Sapnap and disappears into the crowd of students. He was probably complaining about how strict Mr Jones, their usually-chill math teacher, was whenever they were late, knowing those two.

I turn to the other corridor, perpendicular to the one that they just both disappeared through and I follow the group of my classmates into the classroom.

Ms Puffy, the English teacher, was already sitting down at their desk, hastily typing away something on their laptop. The rest of us, for the most part, silently shuffled into our seats, taking out our notebooks and making quiet conversation amongst ourselves.

'Attention class!' the teacher clapped, a slight, tired sigh to her voice as the project flickered, the slow cool grey fading to the lesson's powerpoint.

The quiet murmurs turned into silence and one by one, their attention was given to Scottish teacher.  ' To continue on the lesson from yesterday, you are going to be doing a project presentation in groups of two'

A girl raised her hand half-hazardly, half-more examining her nails than the actual lesson probably, ‘Sir, do we get to choose our partners?’

Ms Puffy slightly sighs, she’s unusually tired and snappy today, and goes back to her laptop to change to the next slide, ‘No Amanda, I will be picking the partners for this project.’

Practically the whole class groans.

To be honest, Ms Puffy would have probably let us choose our partners if it weren’t for that question but I can only internally sigh.

‘Burren, Micheal, you two are paired up. Pete, Katherine, you two are paired up.’

She goes on for another few minutes, the dread practically seeping in me as I anticipate who was going to be my partner; would they actually work on the project or just rely on the fact that I have almost perfect grades? No.

Even if that happened, I could deal with it. I’ve done it before, there is no need to panic about it. The mention of my name sharply snaps me out of my thoughts.

‘Dream, Techno, you two are paired up.’ she announces. I look over to Techno, who seems indifferent for the most part.

‘Miss-,’ a student waves around his hand dramatically, loudly interrupting the already, not so mildly cranky teacher, ‘ how is it fair for the two best students to be partnered together?’

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