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‘Bladeeeee, can you pass me the milk? Wilby wants it and quick!’

I looked up from organizing the fridge, taking out a new milk carton and passing it to the small blond, his moments so lively I’m getting chills up my spine just looking at the eager gremlin.

‘Thanks! Oh yeah, isn’t big man Dream and his friends gonna visit us today?’

Oh yeah. Phil had invited the three to the cafe for some unknown (and questionable) reason; his excuse was that he wanted me to have more friends.

I did have friends, it's just I’d rather spend time with them and Ava then hang out with people who probably are friends with me for just the benefits, the popularity of being ‘the Technoblade’s friend’. Stupid, but it’s happened before to others, being manipulated after placing too much trust into people, and I refuse to let it happen to me, or anybody I know.

Then again, why would those three need fame in the school? Sapnap was known for his martial skill, George in his ability to hack and both were associated with Dream, who was probably the most influential person in the school despite being a mere student.

Almost the entire school followed him like crazy, obsessed fans, hell, even the teachers liked him. What can he not do? Oh yeah, basically nothing.

I could befriend him, but I enjoy my fights with him, they’re exhilarating in a way that’s almost indescribable, the adrenaline from the fighting is what probably keeps me going even after reaching what I thought was my limit. I don’t think friends usually fight each other, then again most people don’t really fight regularly either.

Yeah, they probably don’t to be honest.

Would he even be able to fight in his, uh, condition right now? All I knew was that he didn’t have a lot of time left, nothing else. I’m curious, I want to know more but I’m socially inept, and I don’t want to bring up a touchy topic, I’m not that much of a scumbag, if anybody it’s those stupid government-loving people.

Anyway, moving back to the topic at hand, I still don’t know why they want to befriend me, or the actual ‘why’ Phil wants me to befriend them. He tells me the same thing each time, ‘Kiddo you can’t rely on just us forever, you need your own friends.’

Some psychological bullshit I don't want to be aware of, but I technically still am I guess.

'Hey Techno, come to the front!' Phil's voice rings in my head, I go blank for a second.

I close the fridge, grabbing the box of refill as I walk out into the front, from the storage room where I was organising things till I was interrupted.

'Um, Phil, what do you need?' I peek my head from the side of the crates that loomed over my head shakily, looking at him.

‘Put down your crates, your friends have come to see you,’ he grins, taking the crates away from me onto a back counter, grabbing some bottles from it; Phil gives a quick ‘go talk to your friends’ look, I sigh.

I look around, almost the entire cafe is filled with people, making it hard to find them and spoiler alert, sitting in one of the only dark corners in the cafe does not help. I find them eventually of course, they’re on table ten which happens to be my favourite spot, the warm light on a nice, sunset afternoon shines through and it's reassuring to say the least.

Today, it’s a chilly winter’s day but the sun is still bright, giving warmth even on a cold day.

‘What can I do for you three?’ I mutter hesitantly, bringing my small notepad and pen out.

safeguard - dream and technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now