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I walk in a void, complete and utter black. Maybe it isn't black, afterall, if everything was black, how would one differentiate?

How long have I been walking, I'm not quite sure. I seem to just walk, walk on without exhaustion or doubt. It's as if the only way is forward.

I look back, something faces me.

A creature with white scales and claw fingers, features that seem borderline human but don't seem quite right. It stands on two feet, staring at him with bright, lime eyes that glow in the space.

It towers easily over me.

I am not afraid.

Porcelain shards lay around its feet, splashes of blood staining the off-white.

It makes eye contact with me.

"Hello." The creatures words come out as  a difficult gargle, a pathetic imitation of human voice.


"T̸̮̅̒imé̶̐." Its eyes don't lose contact, its bright, ferocious green persisting.

"Who are you?" The words don't come out curious or wonderlust, they are indifferent. I start wondering what's happening.

"I̸̬̓ a̵m ̷̓N̸͗o̸b̶od̴ẏ̵, I ̸̾a̴m y̶̕o̵̺͐ͅü̵̽"

It speaks in a raspy, glitching and seem almost tangible manner that intrigues me. I almost want to reach out, to touch this thing that speaks of such claims.
I barely manage not to, my fingers fumbling for something as they lay at my sides.

"Why are you here?"

They start to speak but it fades, the words become indistinguishable and I reach out, trying to grab hold of this thing that seems to have answers?

"White clo..."

The pure black fades to a grainy, unpure black and I open my eyes.

Black void, monster? White clo?

It's dark again.

[271 words]

A monster, with fragmented words, warning another. That's fun :)

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