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This was not what I signed up for. I signed up to go on a nice, ever so lovely stroll in the park, not an extremely awkward stumble. Ridiculous, beyond ridiculous I'll have you know.

The tension here is literally beyond skyrocket level- this is not what I signed up for. My pride is dying alread anyway, I would need help escaping from this situation, I look to the only other logical person here.

He can tell that I'm suffering, I already suck at social interaction but awkward social interaction? That's even
worse, what  did I do to ever deserve this? Oh wait, I forgot the world was against humanity for good reason.

He looks at me for a moment, a look of, ohhh, I get you, I get you and jogs slightly ahead of us, pointing towards the forest. It's not out of bound in the park per say but-

A girl and her friend walks past us, 'Can you believe Henry actually tried to go into 'The Forest?'

'Yeah, it's so creepy, heard it was a dare or something.'

Well that was strangely convenient. Is this what they call plot convenience in books? Huh.

But, you've heard it from them. It's infamous in the neighbourhood for being ever so 'scary', after one kid probably exaggerated some rumors back in who knows how long ago. The myth's been here since I moved here, I know that at least. So, like, maybe 13 years at least?

'Erm, hey Dream, where are we going..?' the brunet seems wary, albeit not scared at least.

'Just wait, you guys are gonna love it.'

'But it's already getting dark...'

'It's nicer at night,' the blond retorts with a small pout, simply walking faster instead of an actual response.

Sapnap groans in annoyance, hastening his walk to keep up with Dream, George walks faster, sighing a little. I keep to the back, being the edgy, mysterious teen I am.


No I just didn't want to, couldn't be bothered to. I mean, today was exhausting already and I wasn't in the mood to. I would leisurely walk behind them at my own pace, making sure not to lose sight of them though.

That would be troublesome.

Just being here gives me nostalgia, the simpler days where all we would worry about was what we would have for dinner that night; when everything was not necessarily better but to my child-mind, it seemed like the peak of my life.

It kind of was.

We enter the forest, it's been unattended for, for so long that the trees are overgrown, vines climbing down in curtains and the path so weary and overgrown, moss creeping over the edges of the path. It gives off a strange, cosy aesthetic but at the same time, the shadows that were constant throughout the forest, mildly unsettling.

The scuttles of animals could be heard, the sounds when the piles of dead leaves were stepped on.

'How much longer? My feet are starting to hurt..'

'Jeez George, you really have no stamina-'

'I'm a computing science major.' A deadpan, serious face looked at the blond.

His friend sighs, 'But it's not too far away now. We're almost there.'

The older sighs in relief, picking up his pace to the point where all three were walking beside each other, occasionally filing in line behind each other when the path got too narrow.


I just had to follow behind them, ignoring the bother that was walking together. I was a little envious, it reminded me of my childhood, again; when I was stressed, Phil would take me to the park and walk around together.  He said that nature was naturally calming.

Dream moves to push some branches away, revealing a moonlit clearing, a small stream flowing just a little bit ahead. The trees were definitely thinner in this part of the forest, to the point that I could see that there was another clearing similar to this one, to our right; a small, open field with small dandelions scattered across.

I hear small, amazed gasps and Dream grins, showing a smug smile.

'Woah... even the stars are out tonight.'

Sapnap sits down, gazing up at the stars scattered across the clear sky, his eyes full of amazement and a strange joy. He looks at George, patting the grass next to him, a lopsided grin forming on his face.

The brunet smiles, moving to join the noiret in his star-gazing. Dream nudges me, putting a finger on his mouth and slowly stepping backwards, almost noiseless in his steps.

The other two have already started a conversation, both just as immersed and fascinated as the other.

I look at Dream, who smiles at me as he steps into the shadows, strolling off back into the forest. I follow him, jogging slightly.

'How are they gonna know how to get back?'

'Hmm, George should remember the footsteps we left and be rational enough to follow those. Unless it rains, we should be able to just leave them be.'

I let out a low chuckle, 'You really have this planned out, don't you?'

He just smiles in response and adjusts his mask to the side of his face, so it's no longer covering his face. 'So... what's the thing with them two anyway?'

'Huh, oh yeah. They like each other but they're so awkward they need a lot of encouragement to actually start realising it. Either that or they know and they're in denial that they're in love with their best friend.'

He lets out a shaky bruh out of nowhere, making me laugh. The night air is so refreshing, the cold bringing me to my senses at a comfortable level.

'I'm bored.' I stop, looking back to face him.

'Well what do you want to do?' He raises an eyebrow, looking at me if I already have an answer. Which I do.

'How about questions?'

'Wow, you're so creative but sure.'

'Okay: rule one, we have to answer honestly; rule two, however, we do not have to answer and rule number three, let's have fun!' He grins.

I laugh quietly, nodding.

'Let's get the depressing thing out of the way first,' he stops in his tracks, looking directly at me, 'How long do you have?' He bites his lip, looking as if he already regrets saying it.

I've accepted my fate, it doesn't really bother me anymore. Not sure where I'd be if it did.

'Doctors say a year, maybe two if I'm lucky. We're planning for the worst case scenario so my bucket list is going to be done over the summer.'

'Bucket list?'

''My turn; are the rumours true?' He lets out a laugh, lots of rumours exist around him, 'the one that says you have a sibling?'

'Yeah, younger sister. Ava, she's my everything.' I don't really know how to react, I was almost expecting him to shrug it off or something.

'My turn now, what's this bucket list entailing?'

I explained to him the bucket list a few of the things that we're planning to do. He seems genuinely interested.

I got to know him, he got to know me.

I only hope that he isn't going to miss me.

[1234 words]

NEW CHAPTER, here u go. anyways, bonding time between the two, some fluff for the readers, you guys deserve it

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