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The rest of winter and spring went by like a breeze, things came and went and before anybody could know it, the last few weeks of school had approached.

Anyhow, when a person is diagnosed with a terminal disease, they’re either confined to the hospital to spend their remaining time or, if they’re lucky and ‘healthy’ enough, they get to fulfill their bucket list like he was going to. However, I was an exception to this ‘rule’.

I wasn't ever really in the condition where I could miss even a single day of medication, my health was already deteriorating with or without it; all it did was prolong the inevitable.

I would still have to visit the hospital for frequent checkups, to notice any changes in my condition but by now, it was just the norm for my sickly self. If anything, I had gotten sick of it a long time ago. If anything, I was waiting for the summer holidays more than anything else.

The last few weeks of the school year were pretty special all considered,  people who skipped tended to attend just for those few weeks, teachers were finally relaxed and more lenient and the most popular school event of the year, the end of school party, occurred then. Every student was invited and the whole party was funded by the school: drinks, food, decoration and all.

Of course, there was also the graduation as well, where seniors graduated and went off into the world, pursuing higher education, finding jobs and all. It usually was a sentimental moment but particularly so for three specific students this year, two of which were in his year.

Juniors, Technoblade and Wilbur, Freshman student, Tommy.

The three had gotten extremely close to one of the seniors, Philza and soon, as most would know, they would be nicknamed the Sleepy Boys (Inc) by their peers. The three would definitely be reluctant to let their senior go when time came.

But it wasn't like they'd never see each other again, after all they worked in the same workplace and were extremely close, no doubt would they still be around each other constantly.

It was an irrational type of clinginess, but a clinginess that happened nonetheless.

Or so that was what they said.


I woke up abruptly to be . My alarm beeps incessantly and my will and energy to shut it up were lacking to say the least, considering the digital clock had been trying to do its job for probably five minutes at least now.

I watched lazily as the door slammed open, my, also equally as annoying, sister at the door.

'Wake up!' Lydia barged in, finally stopping the alarm and gently shaking me as I groaned. Did she have to wake me up? No. Nevertheless, I get up.

'Ok ok, I'm awake!’, sitting up and putting my hands feebly up in defeat.

'Just because it's Monday doesn't mean you can slack. Breakfast in five, Mum's making some honey oatmeal so hurry up will you? '

I rubbed my ever so dreary eyes, nodding as she grinned satisfied, before leaving. I got up, went to brush my teeth and wash my face, and back to my room to change.

Today was a good day for me, the first day in a while where I hadn't collapsed while walking in the morning and I somehow hadn't found a new way to accidentally injure myself recently which is a definite positive.

I slowly walked down the stairs, running my hand down the railing  as I went. It was a nice, relieving sensation, the feel of the smooth, wooden matter brushing against my hand. A pleasant way to start the morning to say the least, a nice experience to linger in my memory.

‘Clay dear, what are you doing to your precious face!’ Mum ran over to me, delicately cupping my cheeks tinged in slight red in her hands, ‘don’t do that to your face, alright?’

‘Mum’s right, you shouldn’t do that to your very delicate face,’ Lydia shouted from the kitchen, clear, bitter and contrasting sarcasm laced in her voice. I could hear the sigh in Mum’s voice as led me to the kitchen island where breakfast sat.

A warm bowl of honey oatmeal, an assortment of fruit topping it and generally a warm and welcoming vibe, if that's even possible for food anyway.

I took a few spoonfuls, watching my sister finish her bowl and quickly rinse it, leaving it in the sink. She stares at me, sighs and leaves probably for school. Speaking of school, I should probably too.


'Anderson, you're late.' Mr Gold glared at the 'intrusive and late student' entering the classroom and I can already feel his needle-like stare from all the way over here.

He clears his throat, resuming back to the chalkboard, writing an algebraic equation on the board.

I take my usual seat, already mentally exhausted.

'Dude, you're late. To Mr Gold's class too, do you have any ounce of will to live?' Sapnap quietly snickered, sparing a pitying glance, 'He's totally going to give you detention you know-'

'Like you're one to talk, Mr Sapnap who totally has perfect attendance.' George adds in a whisper.

'Clayton, George, Nicholas. I'd advise you three not to talk whilst I am teaching.'

'Yes sir!' the three of us seemed to chant in unison, still mildly giddy as we took our notes. He picked on us a lot today, I could practically feel the pity radiating off of anyone who was in algebra with us.

Soon enough, class ended but obviously, the three of us were kept behind after the bell.

'Do you three know why I kept you behind?'

Sapnap, with his hands behind his head, speaks pretty casually, ' Cuz we talked in class? Sir, we do it all the time, giving us detention would be a bit overkill wouldn't it?'

He sighed, pinching his nose wearily, 'And the three of you still haven't stopped talking in my classes, have you?'

'No sir.' George and I said again, this time Sapnap not even bothering to join in.

Mr Gold sighs again, opting to cross his arms instead now.

'You three have potential, please do not waste it. '

'How so.' Sapnap commented snidely but I could tell there was doubt in his voice and expression.

'Nicholas, you have excellent athletic ability, know how to defend yourself very well and are kind towards the majority of your peers.'

I quietly laughed at 'majority', I mean it was true.

'Anyhow, I won't give you three detention but do behave, my classes are an important part of the grade.'

'Yes sir!'

[1111 words]


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